I like all this talk about SM. My local shop is a Hollis dealer. So when the SMS harnesses came out the owner was trying all of them. I don't remember which came out first. It think it was the SMS100. Next was the SMS75 and finally the SMS50. He tried them all. One of the advantages to being the owner.
He spent a few years trying different SM configurations. When the Razor started being available in Canada, he gave that a try (still in a box on the showroom floor) but ended up settling on the XDeep. He goes to Cuba once a month but most his diving is in Canada. Like me, he started with BM and the Worthington HP100 tanks. He is mixed on HP100 versus AL80 for SM. It definitely looks like AL80 is a good choice for warm water diving. You just don't need the extra weight when diving a 2.5mm wetsuit.
He does drysuit and deco diving. So the extra air makes sense for him. For me, like
@raftingtigger, I hit NDL before I run out of air. So the extra air in an HP100 doubles isn't really that helpful. In addition to the extra weight of the tanks, the air has more weight as well. My Worthington tanks are only 34# but the extra air adds almost another 2# of weight, per tank.
I think the fact my shop's owner goes through all these different gear configs. He has pretty much settled on the XDeep because it is great at cold water SM, steel or aluminum and it isn't bad for warm water diving. I just laid down money for my first drysuit. Once I get comfortable with drysuit and BP/W I plan on switching to SM. That will probably be in the Spring. Maybe I'll see if I can borrow the shop owner's XDeep.
Not hooked on SM... yet. But I still remember switching from stab jacket to BP/W. Someone told me, "Come to the darkside... we have cookies." There was no cookies but I didn't care. Watching the guys cave diving in Mexico, SM just looks so nice.
The shop owner is recommending I use my doubles as sidemount doubles. Then I'll have a left and right valve, rather than two right valves. I think I'm going to see about diving 2 right valves instead. This way when I'm traveling I don't have to worry about finding someone with left valves. I can just use 2 right valves out of their regular rental stock.
Already bought a Perdix AI. Went diving with 7mm gloves in a 4 to 6 knot current and lots of hazards. Being my first dive in the area, it was challenging to avoid underwater hazards, stay below the commercial tankers and not get lost (5 foot viz). Add to that a new dive computer and needing to use the compass. The Perdix was so intuitive and easy to use. I did once miss press the buttons, got onto gas selection and switched from EAN36 to air but that was my 4th dive on the Perdix and conditions got a little hairy as I was trying to turn on the compass. I plan on using it in places I have been diving for years so I can get more comfortable with it.
I also read the manual for the first time... probably should have done that before using it in the water.