>A quick reply give you post #50 and you
>can download your own favorite avatar!
Cool, I'll look into that.
>Where does the word avatar originate, anyway?
Since you asked:
av.a.tar \'av-*-.ta:r\ n [Skt avata-ra descent, fr. avatarati he descends, fr. ava-] away + tarati he crosses over 1: the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu) 2a: an incarnation of another person 2b: an embodiment usu. in a person (as of a concept, philosophy, or tradition) 3: a cool picture under your name in your Scuba Board posts.
I'm kind of an etymology buff. Odd, since I can't spell for beans!
>can download your own favorite avatar!
Cool, I'll look into that.
>Where does the word avatar originate, anyway?
Since you asked:
av.a.tar \'av-*-.ta:r\ n [Skt avata-ra descent, fr. avatarati he descends, fr. ava-] away + tarati he crosses over 1: the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu) 2a: an incarnation of another person 2b: an embodiment usu. in a person (as of a concept, philosophy, or tradition) 3: a cool picture under your name in your Scuba Board posts.
I'm kind of an etymology buff. Odd, since I can't spell for beans!