Travelling Suggestions

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So when do I get my second star huh?? Being a junior member makes be sound like I'm nine years old. And thats just my reading age.

Ruu once bubbled...
I had kind of considered the whole NC / SC thing, but aside from a couple of decent wrecks I've heard more or less nothing about the area. It does have the advantage that I could easily drive there, which is a bonus. Are there any good sources of info for the area?

As far as CA is concerned - I thought that SoCal had some warmer more coral filled waters. Am i misinformed (again)? I wouldn't do mid 60's in a freakin' boat - are all CA divers mad?


:) I enjoyed my one day of diving off of Catalina Island, but I was in a 6 mil. I always enjoy my diving around Key Largo, Taveneir, and Marathon, and this time of the year - all you'd need is a skin, but I'd take the 3 mil just in case.

:royal: If you want info on NC diving, see Red Wet and Blue Diving! Had a blast on that trip, and Kamala (group leader) was a large part of it!

Happy bubbles!:goofy:

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