Travel BCD advise

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50 - 99
Hi everyone,

I’m looking for a travel BCD, doing a lot of backpacking and diving around SEA mostly. (Occasionally I also dive locally in Europe) I am looking for BCD that packs well. My top picks so far were XDeep Zen with aluminium backplate or ghost. My LDS recommends ghost as they find single layer bladder more streamlined (no idea how true is that). I was also looking at hydros pro as apparently it dries fast. Not sure how much of an issue is that with XDeep rigs. So far I only do rec diving, no idea if I move to tech yet. Could anyone provide a hand with choice based on their experience?
Any aluminum or titanium backplate. I use an STA for travel. Get nice plastic nuts instead of standard wing nuts.

Don't forget that hardware has significant weight. Use Al and plastic.

My single tank rig has to have a shoulder inflator hose. Not centered. Prefer centered for doubles.

I use the DGX wing with a Pirahna or Helium plate.
I think I’d carry my mask, computer, exposure protection if it was light, maybe fins. I'd rent the BC, and regs on site. I take my SS BP/W on my dive trips, along with everything else except lead and tanks, but I'm not going to carry it all around in a pack when I get there.
I think I’d carry my mask, computer, exposure protection if it was light, maybe fins. I'd rent the BC, and regs on site. I take my SS BP/W on my dive trips, along with everything else except lead and tanks, but I'm not going to carry it all around in a pack when I get there.
its dive oriented trip, will basically carry the stuff only to get to the next dive place.

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