Travel Agents steering away from Coz

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detroit diver:
I truly hope that things return to whatever was "normal" back then. But it ain't even close now.

Do you not see your own contradictions? How can you say it "ain't even close now" when you admit know knowing what normal was before?

Again I challenge your description of town as a "disaster area", it doesn't matter which part of town you might be reffering to, and this is not in the parameters of an "opinion" or unmet "expectations", the words "disaster area" describe and carry a very particular meaning, and there is NOTHING in Cozumel's downtown area that can be described that way. This is not my opinion, this is a fact. I can prove it.

Maybe we understand the words "disaster area" differently ( I doubt it )














The simple fact is that everyone has their own opinions. I enjoy Cozumel and the people are very friendly and accomodating. Is it better then Hawaii? IMO no. I book cruises simply for the purpose of diving in Cozumel and Belize. I never buy the "cruise diving package" I always book locally because I refuse to take the $$ away from the LDS and give the $$ to the cruise ship. To those of you whom complain about the sand on the reef, poor accomodations etc. Maybe you should have waited to go on your trip when everything is up to your "standards". You didn't get that "cheap" price just after the storm because everything was perfect did you? Lets see... there was a disaster in ....... because of the disaster it is cheap to go now therefore, I will show up and demand a perfect setting for my cheaply paid trip...
Actually, Steve, my trip in Dec was no cheaper then my trip last Dec, and what we're paying in Feb is more then we paid this past April. (and no, we are not going during Carnival). I think that anyone who expects the hotels outside of town to be cheap when they reopen is fooling themselves. Some are closed 4+ months and a few had just reopened post-Emily. They can't really afford to be cheap.

If you love Cozumel for the atmosphere, people, hospitality and diving, you won't be disappointed.
There is always a place to dive in Cozumel, dispite the H. M types....when your there , all you need is a place to rinse your gear, and a place to sleep, Hotel San Miguel , a 2 star on the square is plenty good.....$40 us a night for 2 is great./....if the diving conditions are not to par, the take the ferry across and dive the Cinotes Caves........
To the point of the first poster, my wife went into our LDS and was told to cancel our trip in April to Coz. They said that the reefs were destroyed the hotels were gone total devistation. This after I already was on SB saw pictures, read what Christi and others had to say, and booked to Caribe Blu for a week. Today I am still glad we booked and cant wait to get down there.
To the point of the first poster, my wife went into our LDS and was told to cancel our trip in April to Coz. They said that the reefs were destroyed the hotels were gone total devistation. This after I already was on SB saw pictures, read what Christi and others had to say, and booked to Caribe Blu for a week. Today I am still glad we booked and cant wait to get down there.

What your LDS told you burns me up, blatant lies. What you have done and have posted are very reassuring. I'm so glad many people aren't buying into the Cozumel is destroyed conspiracy.

Cozumel thanks you Daxter....

detroit diver:
Actually, it was pretty simple. I dove down and saw sand covering the corals everywhere I went.
How many dive did you do there? If you were on a cruise, then it was probably only 2. If you went with the ship's excursion, you probably only got to dive 2 of the shallower sites. I think that saying the reefs were "all" covered with sand is a pretty gross generalization if you didi only do two shallow dives in Cozumel.

detroit diver:
I did not compare it to previous dives, as I had never been there before.
How do you know there wasn't some sand on the reefs you saw from before wilma?

detroit diver:
As for the town, it looked like a disaster area, plain and simple. You can spin it any way you want if you have a reason to do so. I just reported what I saw, and it wasn't pretty.
Since you hadn't been to Cozumel before, I can tell you that in town it didn't look that much different from before Wilma. If you arrived on a Cruise, the first thing you saw was the worst of the damage right along the shoreline where the waves pounded the buildings and the piers into submission.

My point was, if you had never been to Cozumel before, how do you know what it looked like before? I'm not arguing with you about what you saw, just trying to put it in perspective.
Ron Brandt:
I hear ya Gord and Christi....Personally,I think land locked people like myself with the only option in the winter is a frozen lake to dive in and muddy lake in the summer to dive in REALLY support the dive industry both local and travel.

But...lately I have seen more and more people doing "dive cruises" and could possibly be a new trend or an old trend being rediscovered. I too would like to try the cruise ship dive thing just see what it's like,and I'm not talking Blackbeards.

Ron, I think it is still a very small minority of the cruising population that dives, either with the ship's contract operator or their own dive op.
To the point of the first poster, my wife went into our LDS and was told to cancel our trip in April to Coz. They said that the reefs were destroyed the hotels were gone total devistation. This after I already was on SB saw pictures, read what Christi and others had to say, and booked to Caribe Blu for a week. Today I am still glad we booked and cant wait to get down there.
It is only because you have read peoples' first hand accounts and seen the photos of how things actually are that you know the truth. I wouldn't let that LDS service my gear if that is all they know about Cozumel. I don't know what else they would get wrong.

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