Transporting regs

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I've been thinking about a regulator bag for awhile myself. I have a console computer and have noticed it's getting a big scraped up along the edges etc. I'd like to keep it nice and shiny looking.
When we dive at home, we throw everything in a Stanley tool trunk. When we fly, we use rolling duffels we buy at Costco (about $40) and stuff all the gear in them. I have two lovely padded regulator containers that came with regs we bought from ScubaToys, and we use one of them for our transfill whip and DIN to yoke adapters, and the other one for valve repair tools.
After they are dry, I coil then and put them into my regulator bag. I find the square ones 13inx13inx4.5in are big enough to fit any size regulator and computer padded sleeve w/ gauges for any set up. I've had to buy two regulator bags because I changed my hose set up once. Wasn't too happy about that.

If you're doing long term storage, lay the regulator coiled flat, this will keep hose stress down to a minimum. So ie. don't hang your regulators and don't store them vertically coiled in a bag, the weight can put unneeded stress on your hose couplings at the first stage.
We just recently bought new regs and I'm wondering what ways people store them and transport them. Right now we rinse them and put them into a net bag, but I feel like we should be more careful. In a couple months we're going to fly to the tropics with them and of course I'd like to pack them some good way to carry on the flight.

Any suggestions?

- Bill

They're in my mesh dive bag for local diving (although I'm going to convert to plastic tubs). When I fly, they are in their own separate regulator bag, which I have as a carry on luggage. Unfortunately, theft and "lost luggage" appears to be a problem for the airlines. I'm not losing my regulator and dive computer because I didn't exercise a modicum of vigilance. Someone at Kuhului Airport or SJC put several 10 inch gashes in my dive bag (duffel type). My wetsuit is toast and luckily nothing was missing, but I wonder if that would have been the case if my Atomic regulator and Scubapro Luna dive computer had been inside.
Bins are the shizzle. Then again our gear is often in the back of a pickup truck. Even still my regs and can light are packed between a towel and my 400g undies/base layer, where they are nice and safe. Traveling I carry Adeline's and my regs, can lights and computers iin a backpack. Although my backpack is slightly modified.

I never put our regs in checked luggage. They are in a reg bag and I carry them on. I do get some extra attention at some airports but usually it is very quick and easy. Remember to take any blades or scissors off before you travel.
Dive Bag for local diving and Dive Caddy for travel on flights...

Dive Caddy looks great. $299 does not! Anyone have a used one they want to sell?

- Bill

---------- Post added May 16th, 2013 at 01:57 PM ----------

Bins are the shizzle.

Is that good or bad, dawg?
To expand on my earlier response: I have some plastic Samsonite suitcases with wheels I used when traveling before all the 9/11 TSA hassles. I would simply pack one with scuba gear and no one was the wiser. Back then you could lock your suitcases so I felt my gear was safe enough from petty pilferage---there was no external clue as to the contents.

Nowadays, I'm under the impression you aren't supposed to lock your suitcases so anyone can pop them open and have a look. I tape them shut, but that isn't much of a deterrent to casual theft.

Is it true you're supposed to keep your suitcases unlocked when flying now?

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