So I bought an AI transmitter, but had a dilemma about how to store it for transport and travel. I see the Shearwater one comes with a fancy carrying case, but I really do not like the idea of disassembling anything with an oring after I've tested it before a trip.
I thought about a quick disconnect, but it seems like over thinking the problem as well as being 2 more points of failure. Then I decided to leave it attached and unprotected since the transmitter is quite sturdy. But why not put a padded cover on it for transport?
This is what happens when there is 4 months between diving. I am getting the itch bad...
I thought about a quick disconnect, but it seems like over thinking the problem as well as being 2 more points of failure. Then I decided to leave it attached and unprotected since the transmitter is quite sturdy. But why not put a padded cover on it for transport?
This is what happens when there is 4 months between diving. I am getting the itch bad...