Trader Rating disappeared

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Reaction score
Northern California
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi Scubaboard staff:

My trader rating (positive 1) disappeared. I don't know if the purchaser withdrew my positive feedback (which would show up on my CP right?) or if it disappeared with the server crash. Is there any way of restoring it? Or finding out who absconded with my solitary bit of feedback?

When did you get your positive rating of 1?
Thanks for lookin into it HowardE. Mid June. Obviously I'm not a heavy trader but I've got a few more items to post and a positive track record helps.

Unfortunately - mid June is when we had the data loss. :(

There is no way for us to just add points to your trader rating. So very sorry.
Your best option would be to ask your trading partner to rate you again.
Your best option would be to ask your trading partner to rate you again.
I was going to leave some feedback for a completed sale, but now the little green men took away the little green links? How do I leave feedback?
You can always leave feedback through a user's profile page.

The other links (in every post in the T&M forums) will be restored today.
You can always leave feedback through a user's profile page.

The other links (in every post in the T&M forums) will be restored today.
404 not found :(

boo hoo hoo

I tried leaving feedback in the user profile and I get the dreaded 404 not found error. I suspect these problems are all tied together.
404 not found :(

boo hoo hoo

I tried leaving feedback in the user profile and I get the dreaded 404 not found error. I suspect these problems are all tied together.

What is the URL?

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