On the subject of cheap knockoff batteries and chargers, I've bought a lot of electronics on Amazon, and the reviews are always all over the place as to whether the item advertised as OEM is the real deal or not. Based on other Amazon purchases I've made, where I've bought two or more of the same item, it seems clear that not everyone who orders the same item from the same link is getting the same product. Even with doing your due diligence, it's not always possible to know what you're getting.
I think sometimes what happens on Amazon is that people use the "see other sellers for this item" (or whatever it says) link and end up buying from a 3rd party "reseller" because it is the cheapest price. Those resellers are probably the ones selling knockoffs or relabeled cheapo items. But when people review the item, it ties back to the original item link instead of specifically to the reseller.