Thank you pir8.
One thing I am great at is knowing my limits - in fact I have been accused of not taking enough risks (I disagree). The dive shop we use for instruction has gone above and beyond to ensure safety throughout my training and I feel very comfortable with the minimal penetration (based on PADI guidelines) we will do during this class. We will not be in a situation where we will penetrate anything outside of a "class envirmonment" for a very long time. The class is a great way for us to be reminded of how important it is to stay out of wrecks outside of this more controlled situation. If the instructors (or I) don't feel the penetration is something I am ready for, I have great confidence that they will choose the alternate dive for the 4th and not penetrate. Also, they have left the option open for anyone in the class to do only the adventure dive and not complete the rest of the class if either they or the intructors feel that is the way to go. Until that time, I will continue to practice my skills each weekend, as we have been doing, to ensure I am as ready as possible.
You're quite welcome, maybe I'll see ya up Dutch Springs sometime.