I never did figure out why it wasn't clearing. Either something got trapped under the skirt or the skirt got crimped or whatever.
Mike, thanks for the description of how you clear -- I'll get in the pool today and play with trying to do it with my eyes open and see if that helps.
gcbryan, that was actually one of the take-home lessons from the dive. Bob had described the wall, the depth at the top of it, and the fact that we weren't going to go to the bottom but cruise just under the lip (because that's where the wolf eels are). But I did not get straight in the initial discussion how deep the foot of the wall was, and this incident drove home that I should have known that. I didn't ask the right questions.
Mike, thanks for the description of how you clear -- I'll get in the pool today and play with trying to do it with my eyes open and see if that helps.
gcbryan, that was actually one of the take-home lessons from the dive. Bob had described the wall, the depth at the top of it, and the fact that we weren't going to go to the bottom but cruise just under the lip (because that's where the wolf eels are). But I did not get straight in the initial discussion how deep the foot of the wall was, and this incident drove home that I should have known that. I didn't ask the right questions.