Put me down for "ANY KIND OF DRY SUIT" even one that's too big! I've been diving for 26 years now, wet...damn I wish I had known what I know now, sooner. I would never dive a wet suit again.Even in the tropics, I filled the suit with some He I had in a bottle and it actually kept me cooler than the water temp! Unbelievable, but at 1.50$ a cu ft it was an expensive gas fill. Anyway, dry is the way to go, if I had it to do again, I'd get a tri-lam suit. I now have a neoprene dry suit from Bodyglove. It wasn't too expensive, something like $240 off ebay. It was in perfect condition too. Some guy back east was selling it for his son and he was exactrly my weight and height...it was a perfect fit. I do whine about my cold hands though. I might invest in a set of dry gloves this next year, but I'll keep the wet hood, it keeps my ears warm.