To many speed readers on the board!!!!!

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It's not so much the spell check or mis-readings that I have a problem with...'s the accents that through me off :11:
The accents through me off to and I don´t see any use for the spellcheckers ;) We´re all speling pretty much the way we´re supposed to aren´t we :06:
By the way I think we should stop dropping dirty bombs that aren´t actually dirty into the american...intelligence...system :11ztongue
Uncle Pug:
What might appear to the untutored as a hijack was in fact an illustration of the point Fred was making.

Mine too! :) Good stuff.
Did Fred post this originally? I must have read past it, sorry for not reading your post fully. I resent the fact that Iraqis are using British made regs to fight a war on GW Bush.

I didnt think it got hijacked, i thought it followed the nature course of SB discussions and in fact is in the spirit of Fred's original post on spell-checkers.
The natural course of SB discussions is to legitimate the use of ponies for inflating your bc and lift bag with gas other than nitrox. For example, I use hydrogen.
Dear Mr. Ashcroft,

On behalf of divers here, I'd like to welcome you and your agents to ScubaBoard. Its unclear to me whether the repeated use of terms "hijack", "Saddam", "Osama Bin Laden", "GW Bush", etc., was intended to attract you to our fine site, or just completely unintentional.

Either way, Welcome! We hope you find your visit educational. I'd like to point out that most everyone here is 1) harmless, 2) trying to avoid liability (read posts), and 3) not in the least interested in anything subversive (oops.. there's another one of those words). Further, my DIR brethern here are not "religious zealots", nor "taliban" in any literal sense, although they may sometimes be seen as carrying weapons of mass instruction. All in all, they too are a great bunch.

Anyway, welcome. Stay as long as you wish, although there are probably another gazillion sites awaiting your eyes.

Best regards,

Don't forget to assassinate that grouper the next time you take a shot!
I actually almost fell off my chair with UWSojourner's letter to Mr Ashcroft. I still think Ashcroft makes the best anti-Taleban spellchecker out there, i also hear he was the pioneer at slinging his pony for easy use of liftbags - one of the good ones back in the old days before the terrorist training agencies started their PR campaign on Al-Jezzera (sp?). I thank UWS for inviting/welcoming him onto our site.

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