To many speed readers on the board!!!!!

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GW Bush did not say that Sadam used Apeks regs. You guys keep this up and new people to this board are going to think it's all about politics and british regs.

Pug and Fred,

I could agree with you more.

Whoever hijacked this thread, sham on yough.
GW Bush did not say that Sadam used Apeks regs. You guys keep this up and new people to this board are going to think it's all about politics and british regs.
Did Fred post this originally? I must have read past it, sorry for not reading your post fully. I resent the fact that Iraqis are using British made regs to fight a war on GW Bush.

Whoever hijacked this thread, sham on yough.
I didnt think it got hijacked, i thought it followed the nature course of SB discussions and in fact is in the spirit of Fred's original post on spell-checkers.
I'm sorry, I didn't hear you...Could you repeat that?? I was reading something else.
I'm sorry, I didn't hear you...Could you repeat that?? I was reading something else.
You should try to keep up, the thread is about the use of Apeks regs in the Iraqi war and Osama Bin Laden's ability to breathe underwater without such equipment while on the run from Bush.
There is also a hijack about a poll about the use or requirement of spellcheckers on SB and if it is DIR, which i think is just asking for a flame. ;) I think that should keep you up to date, next time, maybe read the posts or do a search on it.
Will you hold my hand while I look too???
Dear Mr. Ashcroft,

On behalf of divers here, I'd like to welcome you and your agents to ScubaBoard. Its unclear to me whether the repeated use of terms "hijack", "Saddam", "Osama Bin Laden", "GW Bush", etc., was intended to attract you to our fine site, or just completely unintentional.

Either way, Welcome! We hope you find your visit educational. I'd like to point out that most everyone here is 1) harmless, 2) trying to avoid liability (read posts), and 3) not in the least interested in anything subversive (oops.. there's another one of those words). Further, my DIR brethern here are not "religious zealots", nor "taliban" in any literal sense, although they may sometimes be seen as carrying weapons of mass instruction. All in all, they too are a great bunch.

Anyway, welcome. Stay as long as you wish, although there are probably another gazillion sites awaiting your eyes.

Best regards,

Is it Mr Ashcroft that is going to put the spell checker on SB? He is a nice chap then.

And yes hnladue i will hold you hand when the DIR weapons of mass instruction are launched, although i maybe become DIE-D.
Isnt fertilizer a catalyst supposed to make things go faster? Surely you arent after speed here? I have also heard that spent nuclear material can be kind of dirty and kill a lot of stuff - would that retard the speed you were looking for?

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