Oh, man, I have a problem with this.
You're going to 150 feet on a single tank, diving as a group, with nobody in that group tasked with staying close to you and being available if you need help? Does anybody in the group carry enough gas to get two stressed divers to the surface from 150 feet? Are you depending on the DM, who is helping the lady who is hopelessly narced, to donate gas to you if you need it?
I would not ever do such a dive as an ill-defined group, and I wouldn't do it with an instabuddy, either, and I wouldn't go to 150 feet on a single tank, even in the tropics.
I was really expecting some of the usual suspects to make that comment.
We are very likely going to Belize, and I will not do the BH. The main reason being indeed because I dont want to do such a dive without a buddy I know. As the rest of the family cannot do it, I wont take a chance.
We'll come back later when every one will have more experience to make it, relying only on ourselves.
For sure the dive operators are experienced, they do that dive all the time succesfully, etc ... They have plenty of tanks, etc ...
But being new to diving, I have already seen 'experienced' DM (the best, they had CMAS card...
) very close to some bad outcomes. And we were not that deep. 1 DM, even with excellent SAC, a H-valve and 3 octos cannot take care of more than 2 persons at a time, especially if divers are not staying close to each other (which all youtube videos of the BH make pretty obvious). And expecting that an unknown diver in your group, partially narced, is going to help you in the very unlikely case you have a problem (even not air conso, but like equipment, narco, ...) is just playing too much.
We will enjoy all the other beauties of diving that are very well described here and come back later, because yes, the BH is likely a dive worth checking in your list, just for the record and what it means in the scuba history (Cousteau and so on), even if plenty of others are much better.