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WSJ News Exclusive | U.S. Navy Heard What It Believed Was Titan Implosion Days Ago
Underwater microphones designed to detect enemy submarines first heard the suspected implosion just hours after the submersible began its voyage.www.wsj.com
U.S. Navy Heard What It Believed Was Titan Implosion Days Ago
Underwater microphones designed to detect enemy submarines first detected Titan tragedy
A top secret military acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard what the U.S. Navy suspected was the Titan submersible implosion hours after the vehicle began its mission, officials involved in the search said.
The Navy began listening for the Titan almost as soon as the sub lost communications, according to a U.S. defense official. Shortly after the submersible’s disappearance Sunday, the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday and reported its findings to the commander on site, U.S. defense officials said.
“The U.S. Navy conducted an analysis of acoustic data and detected an anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion in the general vicinity of where the Titan submersible was operating when communications were lost,” a senior U.S. Navy official told The Wall Street Journal in a statement. “While not definitive, this information was immediately shared with the Incident Commander to assist with the ongoing search and rescue mission.”
The Navy asked that the specific system used not be named, citing national security concerns.
The U.S. Coast Guard on Thursday said all five passengers aboard a missing submersible were believed to be dead after a remote vehicle found debris near the Titanic shipwreck. Photo: OceanGate Expeditions/AFP/Getty Images
Updates to follow as the news develops
Write to Ben Kesling at ben.kesling@wsj.com, Nancy A. Youssef at nancy.youssef@wsj.com, Gordon Lubold at gordon.lubold@wsj.com and Costas Paris at costas.paris@wsj.com
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