The true cause may have nothing to do with diving.
During most of the year, I travel about 400 miles about once a month and do a 2 or 3 day weekend of heavy duty diving. On many occasions my fingers would tingle by the last day and for the first few days after. It got bad enough that it would involve the entire arm and make sleeping difficult. It sounded a lot like DCS, but I was sure it was not because I could it relieve it temporarily by something as simple as letting my arm hang limp. That would not relieve DCS. Additionally, I would sometimes have the problem when I had not been diving at all.
To cut to the end of the story, it turned out to be carpal tunnel syndrome. When I had carpal tunnel surgery, the symptoms went away for good. The problem was not caused by my diving--it was caused by all the tank hauling I was doing those weekends.
A couple years ago, I mentioned this in another thread, and renowned diving medicine expert Dr. Simon Mitchell said that many a case of carpal tunnel syndrome has been mistaken for DCS and treated in a chamber. In another thread, someone posted something from DAN about people being mistakenly treated for DCS when in fact that have nerve problems related to spinal stenosis.
Just yesterday I was talking about symptoms very much like yours with a friend who, like you, is struggling to find a diagnosis. This person has never been diving.
I of course am not a doctor and could not diagnose your situation over the internet if I were, but you might want to investigate other causes for the trouble.