Also the other thing is that yes, definitely divers get burned out on doing drills and skills and practicing for fundies for the purpose of practicing for fundies.
Everyone needs a recharge.
But that is up to the diver's themselves to figure out for themselves.
Definitely, after getting fed up with dive after dive in cove 2, I went off with a buddy we found a site we knew nothing about other than it had beach access and we planned a dive there based on current predictions (and nailed it perfectly so the eel grass shifted on the way back). Lovely experience to be independent of any dive site or any knowledge other than some idea of what the currents are going to do there, and something I hope all the fundies students go off and do perfectly safely after we've given them all the tools they need.
But its up to the individual diver to judge what they need, and telling them that they're less of a diver because of how they're practicing is just making a jerk of yourself online. I know that hearing that when I was in the process of building up to overdosing on skills in cove 2 wasn't actually useful at *all* to me, it just comes off as condescending. And yes, I hit that wall eventually and went off and did other dives.
People need to really shut up about newer divers practicing in cove 2. That's a good thing, and being critical of that just makes the critic feel more superior. It isn't helping anyone out.
Everyone needs a recharge.
But that is up to the diver's themselves to figure out for themselves.
Definitely, after getting fed up with dive after dive in cove 2, I went off with a buddy we found a site we knew nothing about other than it had beach access and we planned a dive there based on current predictions (and nailed it perfectly so the eel grass shifted on the way back). Lovely experience to be independent of any dive site or any knowledge other than some idea of what the currents are going to do there, and something I hope all the fundies students go off and do perfectly safely after we've given them all the tools they need.
But its up to the individual diver to judge what they need, and telling them that they're less of a diver because of how they're practicing is just making a jerk of yourself online. I know that hearing that when I was in the process of building up to overdosing on skills in cove 2 wasn't actually useful at *all* to me, it just comes off as condescending. And yes, I hit that wall eventually and went off and did other dives.
People need to really shut up about newer divers practicing in cove 2. That's a good thing, and being critical of that just makes the critic feel more superior. It isn't helping anyone out.