JoeLooking forward to seeing you folks up here!
Right now NOAA, Woods Hole Oceanographic, and Sony Corp are up here with a group of High School students from Saginaw. And their goal is to search for and find a shipwreck, video it and then document the find. It is an off shoot from Sony's Rocket Project but this time they are going down, not up in the air. Usually takes about a year post production before these things make it on TV so keep an eye out.
Unfortunately the weather has not been the most cooperative but they did go out this morning. I suspect and outbreak of mal de mer but NOAA sure has one beautiful 60+ footer that might make all the difference. Rest of the week 6' waves or less is forecast. Saturday, if you can believe weathermen, is supposed to be beautiful...I need to get Thunder Bird out for a spring ride before you folks show up. This stupid weather has been an obstical this year.
I just spent two weeks with the team on the shipwreck hunt.They are talking of airing the program in Aug. on current TV. The results should be great. The water was very cold with surface temps of 38 and the bottom at 35.