Three questions: where, what and which?

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The food there was great!! We were in cozumel for 10 days and we thought the food was good enough that we went there twice. The first night we had good service but, like I said before the 2nd night was less then perfect on service. My wife is a manager for a local restraunt so she is pretty picky on service. but, she also takes up for the staff when they are busy. That perticular night she actually agreed with me. JMHO
You can have many activities for your family and friends.
you can have this boat for snorkeling
they rented for groups so if you are in a big group maybe the best idea is to rented just for your group.
also i will reccomend you to have snorkel trip to the Cenotes or a Dry cave excursion. its a trip that leaves at 8 am and return at 4 pm. this tours are for non divers.
MAYAN ruins in San gervasio also can be an intersting half day tour on the island.

German Yañez
1. another vote for Guito's! can't wait to sink my toofes into one of them Pizza's!!!

2. rackin' the brain on this one. Some sort of hand crafted item that would remind everyone of their trip would be neat.

3. a trip to one of the Mayan ruins would be good, Tulum is on the cost, nice, cool sea breeze once you actually get to the site.

Chichen Itza would be a great photo op, but it's in the middle of the jungle and if your coming in the rainy season the humidity and assured afternoon deluge could make photos a bit hard to look nice.

I also like Christi's suggestion of Xcaret, that would be a fun day for all.
Yea, sharky! I recently saw some cool stone ruins in photography, OEX2? Parabolic? Anyway, I think I am solid on the wedding party shots on some ruins...I am a huge fan of group shots where everyone wears the same palatte....creams and kaki, denims, whatever you choose. I am seeing linen on everyone, casual poses on the stone, textural, geometry of the ruins. Mexican linen shirts and dresses.....maybe group your friends and family around you two in a big dramatic fringed hammock.

Another photo idea is a group shot snorkeling. Picture a photog on the bottom, very wide angle, and the group holding hands, snorkeling over on the surface....

Fish and Fins (Palau) used to have this wonderful shot of their children on a canoe of some sort, leaning over with their faces in the water. Photog from below.

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