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Divers drown at Playa del Carmen cenote
Spaniard, Brazilian couple die in tragic accident described as "criminal negligence"

*Update below*
Playa del Carmen, Q.R. --
The Yucatán Peninsula is world-famous for its cenotes (
see-note-ees), which are water-filled sinkholes or pits. They're a part of the natural landscape here, and they're a major tourist attraction given the extreme heat and humidity which is present during much of the year. Both visitors and locals swim and scuba dive in the cenotes. Some are connected by subterranean tunnels.
Civil Protection services in the community of
Solidaridad, part of the Riviera Maya resort of Playa del Carmen, report that three foreign nationals drowned yesterday while exploring the
Chac Mool cenote, a site popular with scuba divers. The identities of the victims have not yet been released, but they're said to be a Spanish guide and his clients, a Brazilian husband and wife team. The three became separated from other divers, who sought help.
According to sources, the diving party entered the water about 4:00 p.m. carrying less than an hour's supply of oxygen. When the cenote closed at 5:00 p.m. the three still had not surfaced, but authorities were not notified for almost seven hours. The bodies of the victims were discovered by a search team after midnight. Although the guide was said to be a highly experienced master diver and worked for a local shop which caters to tourists, there is evidence the victims may have ignored warning signs and entered zones clearly marked as dangerous. One source reported the guide's safety line might have been cut, preventing the victims from finding their way back to the surface. It is unclear why the dive shop or cenote caretakers didn't call for emergency assistance sooner. The divers had been dead for at least six hours when their bodies were recovered, according to police.
Both the dive shop and the cenote management remain under investigation by the state prosecutor's office.
The video below was shot by a visitor to Chac Mool several years ago and illustrates the interior of the cenote, which is said to be about 25 feet deep where the victims were found.
Update Apr. 21: The dead today have been identified as Ismael García Manzanares, 34, a Spanish citizen and the guide, and a Brazilian couple, José Brugnaro Neto, 34, and Renata Alvez Quireno Costa de Brugnaro, 36, who were recently married. A local Q.R. newspaper calls their deaths "criminal negligence."