I'm not so sure seeing graphic pictures are going to save any lives. The issues I see are open water divers going on "trust me" dives. They have no idea of the potential problems that can arise nor how to effectively remedy them. Their perception is that if they follow the guide it is a safe dive. There is also posts that suggest that guides have taken open water divers beyond cavern dives and do "little" cave dives. They are betting that the cavern guide will properly guide them and get them back to the surface. On this point, what are the cert requirements to lead a cavern dive? What was Ismael's certification and more importantly experience with Chac Mool? I understand he was from Spain. We will never know how they got so far from the cavern into the cave, but ultimately, it would suggest that the guide was not able to deal with whatever issues arose, resolve the issues and get them out. Perhaps they got disoriented and went further in thinking they were heading out. I'm sure in the last few minutes, he realized that they were all going to die and there was nothing he could do at that point. I can not imagine the terror that those 3 faced. So to save lives, are guides sticking to the cavern lines or are they intentionally taking OW divers past the cavern? The guides need to get together and ensure all guides are on the same page so that cavern dives can safely continue. I don't intend to critisize the guide, but I'm having trouble understanding this tragedy.
Going back to the photos, I know they are all over the net. My condolences to the families to have to see their loved ones on display. Their pain must be insufferable.
Just wanted to add, that I have done a few cavern dives and enjoyed them immensely. My guide did an excellent job, the permanent line was always in sight, and yes, we did see the skull/danger sign, took some pics, and did not go past it. So, despite being a trust me dive, cavern dives can and have been safely conducted.
---------- Post added April 25th, 2012 at 10:34 PM ----------
oops. just saw the mods post.