Thread problem switching to new posts

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This is the last time I'm going to ask


It is extremely difficult to troubleshoot a problem that

1) doesn't effect everyone
2) is hard to replicate
3) I get unclear information as to what the actual problem is.

If it's not all threads: Please provide LINKS to the threads.

I have been clear in my is NOT all threads and is periodic/sporadic. It is not happening right now so I cannot copy a link but will try to remember to copy the link the next time it happens. Making this difficult is also the fact that the problem seems to resolve itself every time given an hour or two (for me anyways).
I have been clear in my is NOT all threads and is periodic/sporadic. It is not happening right now so I cannot copy a link but will try to remember to copy the link the next time it happens. Making this difficult is also the fact that the problem seems to resolve itself every time given an hour or two (for me anyways).

Sorry Steve... You have been pretty clear... It's the OP and a few others who are being extremely vague, and it's frustrating for me to help when I feel like one hand is tied :)
This is the last time I'm going to ask


It is extremely difficult to troubleshoot a problem that

1) doesn't effect everyone
2) is hard to replicate
3) I get unclear information as to what the actual problem is.

If it's not all threads: Please provide LINKS to the threads.

Howard, you are asking questions that cannot necessarily be answered one way or the other.

Is it all threads or one? It is the "one" on which it happens, until it clears itself. It does not happen on all threads, it is sporadic. I do not remember it happening on the same thread twice, which is why I believe it is a rendering problem.

It has not happened recently. Related to server load, perhaps? a sub-routine being 'stalled' in the middle of rendering the next page? that could be why it clears itself, and happens intermittently.

Frustrating? It's not worth it to get frustrated over intermittent problems; that is the nature of the beast. Just keep collecting info until the "ah, ha!" moment happens.
Is it all threads or one? It is the "one" on which it happens, until it clears itself. It does not happen on all threads, it is sporadic. I do not remember it happening on the same thread twice, which is why I believe it is a rendering problem.

It has not happened recently. Related to server load, perhaps? a sub-routine being 'stalled' in the middle of rendering the next page? that could be why it clears itself, and happens intermittently.

Frustrating? It's not worth it to get frustrated over intermittent problems; that is the nature of the beast. Just keep collecting info until the "ah, ha!" moment happens.

If it does happen again - please post a link to that thread.

Thanks :)
Frustrating? It's not worth it to get frustrated over intermittent problems; that is the nature of the beast. Just keep collecting info until the "ah, ha!" moment happens.

But it does show just how much SB wants the board to work well for it's members and how strongly they believe in resolving the problems as they come up. For that I say THANKS.
Something that may have been missed, earlier. There are two separate, and probably totally unrelated problems here. ScubaSteve and UsryTegre have an intermittent problem where sometimes the last page of a long thread doesn't work properly. For example, they are on page 156 of 157, they click 157, but page 156 displays instead. This does not appear to be affected by the number of posts on a page. This is NOT the problem that I and the OP krawlings have.
Our problem happens on all threads that are over one page in length, and appears (in my case, at least) to not be affected by display mode, I have tried with all of them. This problem is tyhat any page past the first one will display, but as soon as rendering is complete, it immediately reloads page one. This only seems to happen if the number of posts per page is set to some number higher than default, in my case 50.
It seems there is a workaround for it (set postcount to 30) but it is rather annoying. With my reading style, I would prefer an option of (display all posts) as I HATE having a thread broken up into pages. I want to see all of them. An alternative that I would rather like would be a way to instead of being able to jump to the first unread post, or last post in a thread, jump to the page containing the first unread post. That would be a LOT more useful, and isn't what it currently does...
So to make a long story short, the reason you are getting inconsistent feedback on this problem is that there are two unrelated problems that are being reported in the same thread. One is very reproducible, and one is very intermittent...
Okay, I just tried every possible setting for number of posts per page, and none of them work. Seeing as on another computer I got it to work with a lower setting, I am beginning to think that my theory about rendering time may be a good one. Is it possible there is some type of timeout that is being triggered if it takes too long for a thread to render, causing it to fall back to the default first page?
Hmmm . . . a true SWAG: Do you have session cookies and first-party gookies set to "accept"? Usually if something works on one computer, but not another, it's the Internet settings.
As for my (& maybe ScubaSteve's, he'll have to chime in) issue: I've noticed that when I am on the last page recently, and I post a post # (posts per page + 1), that my post will show at the bottom of my page (even though it is post #21 of 20), and then on the refresh will be on the next page. Therefore, the page link doesn't show up before the page 'exists'.

Perhaps it is fixed? Thanks, Howard!

(Now, about that "No, thanks" button . . . . :D )

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