I think the question is "reliable enough" not "as reliable as a good spg." I think AI is clearly good enough for most applications - meaning that if you see the utility for yourself, the reliability difference is no biggie as long as you've been thoughtful about it.
But "as reliable"? No way. I'm not saying "no" to AI, nor do i or anyone else have peer reviewed statistics, but be serious. The failure of either the transmitter or the computer by flood, dead battery, bad oring, dumb DM unscrewing it instead of tank valve, etc... I've seen far more issues, most trivial and solvable to be sure but still issues, with AI than SPGs even though the sample of AI is much smaller.
I'd also keep at least a button on first stage with AI if for no other reason than being able to get a tank pressure when setting up. It's a PITA to have to fetch and power up your computer just to see if you got a full cylinder.
I am clearly in the camp of "at least as reliable as an analog SPG."
I do keep a gauge on my regulator for a quick pressure check when changing tanks but my computer is on my wrist and I would just need to turn it on. I rarely use it other than that. I keep waiting for the AI to fail but it hasn't happened yet. If it does fail I will know as soon as I check my pressure. If my analog gauge fails it is much more subtle and I will need to check it against another gauge to be sure.
I have seen transmitters being unscrewed because they look like a tank knob and that is why I have a strict don't touch my gear rule.