Hey John. Thanks for the input! Although not in the immediate future, I do plan on doing both sidemount and cave diving; not necessarily in conjunction with one another but I will be practicing in both. So for this eventuality, would you say that it may be useful to fork a little extra now rather than later wishing I had the option in sidemount diving and regretting it?
As an additional question, does the AI merely make an addition to the Perdix? It does not impact any of the normal features and the computer will be 100% the same? I only ask because it is often the case with technological items that when too many features are crammed in, the overall performance slows down, so I am curious if this is at all the case with diving computers.
There doesn't seem to be any difference from the AI to non-AI Perdix. The only difference is that the AI feature will wear a battery down somewhat faster, but hey, it's got an easy to change battery!
This is what the Perdix AI screen looks like in Rec mode with both tank pressures showing.