AOW as soon as possible and it goes without saying that there was a lot of discussion pro and con. I agree CaptDave that the AOW gives you a lot more "experience" than the OW. I think it is a misnomer and
would be more accurate to be called "OW II". This is my limited experience. Your credentials speak for themself, you are far more the experienced diver I may ever be.
I bring up this next point because I believe it applies........ you state (paraphrasing) that an instructor is more qualified to teach diving than a more expeerienced diver, solely based on the fact that they have been taught to look for "danger signs" in students ( I am not sure how to word that last statement) or be perhaps more observant to problems than the experienced diver would be. ( If I interpreted this wrong, please advise). You also made the statement that the certified diver is just beginning the learning curve and over time they will learn how to dive.
My point (long winded as it is) is this as does the instructor. The instructor now has his/her new instructor cert.........whooo hoooo, but they also are just learning how to instruct. They know the "basics" of instruction and obviously more than the basics of diving.
I would and am inspiring to become an instructor (even in my late stage of life (only 40) butstill not a young chicken anymore). But it rubs me the wrong way when it is implied by some ( and I am not pointing a finger at anyone) that the instructor ishe be all end all. Instructors can all learn from all divers. Personally I have learnt more of the finer details of diving including various hints from many of you long(er) term divers onthis board.
And CaptDave, if as you alluded to on another thread that one can make a comfortable living as a dive instructor, it makes one think a little longer of becomeing a good instructor.
And in the words of Forrest Gump "Thats about all I have tosay about that"
Thanks for the informative comments CaptDave.