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I've seen Leisure Pro and Divers Direct and other discount companies flashing at the top of the home page. Is this not an endorsement?

Not at all. As Steve said, many of our ads are served through a 3rd party service (google). We make no claim to the validity or accuracy of any services offered here and we certainly do not endorse ads that are shown through our site, especially ads that are shown through a third party system, just as a TV networks do not endorse the products sold on infomercials at 3am. If Divers Direct stopped advertising through Google tomorrow it would make no impact on our site nor would we even be aware of the change by any means other than noticing their ad stopped showing up in the rotation.

There are some advertisers that we do have a direct relationship with in advertising but we still do not endorse their products, we simply feel that they are an acceptable, non-offensive advertiser with something to offer to the community, what that something is rarely matters unless it strikes us as problematic or dangerous to our users (none of the companies you mentioned fall into this category).

Also I know see that DIR has their very own page. Does PADI, NAUI, SSI, CMAS, YMCASCUBA or the other agencies have their own page yet?

Again you are putting apples with oranges. There are many DIR divers and many DIR questions on this forum thus there is a forum specifically for these issues. When any topic grows to the point that five, ten or even more posts are made about it per day we create a forum for that topic to keep our forums organized. The same was true of nearly all of the forums you see today. When we opened four years ago we had only a handfull of forums, now we have several hundred when you count all of the levels. Again, allowing people to discuss something is not an endorsement nor a critique, when PADI and Diverlink had their lawsuit there was a forum for that discussion for people to hash out both sides. If tomorrow YMCA became a hot topic and 50 posts were made about it we would probably open up a forum for that are as well.

It is very easy to find bad signs in a good thing but we here at ScubaBoard are very open about polices and affiliations. I think it is more than clear that we have no allegiances and no endorsements running on this board as of today and if you or any member has a question about our direction why not ask us first and at least see what we have to say? Clearly getting all of the facts for yourself is better than making a statement which may not be true.

1. Did you read my previous post in this thread where I actually defined "endorsement" ? Please do so.

2. Another definition: from the The American Heritage® Dictionary

3. No offence taken. If you feel my posts (or any others) are not compliant and or lack civility with respect to the SB rules, then click the Report button and the powers to be will decide. I can certainly live with this.

4. NONE of the Google adverts have ever been "flashing". They are static text links which used to be at the top of the Forums and currently reside at the bottom.

5. Creating a Forum on a given topic does not and never has related to a "commercial endorsement". These Forums are normally created in response to member suggestions with absolutely NO Commercial considerations. SB does an outstanding job in responding to member requests in this respect. This fact is clearly documented in numerous old posts where you can actually read the back and forth comments.

6. I'm certainly willing to accept your statement that posts have slowed down in the Kentucky section since I'm not familiar with it. A single Forum out of dozens never has and never will represent the activity of SB. Please think globally. So far, I have not been provided with adequate proof and or a reasoned thought that this slow down is directly related to adverts which insure the survival of SB and continued enhancements to same.

7. If you need help making the Kentucky section a better place, why not send a PM to the Mods and or owners and ask for help and guidence. I'm confident they are interested in your concern. Please provide the team with lots of details before you send the PM. Like this:

a. Number of posts in a given period like the previous 6 months.
b. Number of posts in the previous 1 year
c. Net increase or decrease.

Dive safe :) and welcome back to the thread :)
Report Button? Come on or I mean..take a breath. Geeeze...

Well, it appears to me that the entire site has slowed down with the "chit chat". The Kentucky section was just a prime example.

I do see where SB population is growing everyday...But 90% of them are mute or puppet names.

And where did JBD go anyway?

I'm glad to know that SB does not edorse Leisure Pro or Divers Direct, etc., they just let them advertise on their homepage due to a google contract or such. OOOOOKKAAY.

At one point I made a post about or another similar site to the SB. UP removed my post immediately claiming that SB does not allow competition to be posted on the board. And by the way...That is a UP quote.

What kind of competition does the SB have or could have?

I for one don't see any competition againts the SB since they are for the benefit of all divers.
Also I know see that DIR has their very own page. Does PADI, NAUI, SSI, CMAS, YMCASCUBA or the other agencies have their own page yet?

This feels like an SAT test. Which of the above does not belong in the list.

Hint, there are 5 agencies listed above.
CincyBengalsFan Well:[/url] or another similar site to the SB. UP removed my post immediately claiming that SB does not allow competition to be posted on the board. And by the way...That is a UP quote.

What kind of competition does the SB have or could have?

I for one don't see any competition againts the SB since they are for the benefit of all divers.

1. Thank you so much for the details and evidence to support your unfounded claims that the entire site has slowed down. Unfortunetly this is false. Not to mention the other claim about...."But 90% of them are mute or puppet names." Natch, this is not only false but does not paint you and or your position in the Scuba industry in a favorible light. Why don't you spend the time to actually research the issue as I have BEFORE you post.

Is this research procedure inconsistent with how folks are supposed to ingage in a meaningfull conversation? Does this lack of research contribute to the "dribble" and wasting of bandwidth which is so prevelent?

For the facts:


Right click on a few links to see:

8/00 - 277 Posts
4/01 - 11K Posts
5/02 - 99K Posts
4/03 - 270k Posts
6/03 - 315K Posts
4/04 - 561K Posts

NOTE the fantastic growth rate in posts made by humans. It's accelerating at a record pacing clip.

2. If you have an issue with actions that UP took, 99.999999999999 of us are not the least bit interested. You should send UP a PM for clarrification and help. If you don't like the decision then you are certainly free to pack your gear bag and find a new diving spot which more closely fits your desires.

Dive safe and enjoy your new dive spot :)
Out of 23,500 members...I'm willing to bet that around 2500 are active and the rest are inactive members.

Sorry to ruffle your feathers so much Steve S. As we can all see this website is much more to you. Almost like a religion it would appear.

As many can confirm for you...I usually don't care, and probably never will.

Have a great day.
This is no court and we are not a jury. However, when you attack a site or organization it's generally proper to use some sort of facts or do something besides make up random statements as an arguement, espcially when those statements are simply not close to the truth. Since this discussion is clearly going nowhere, I am closing the thread. If you would like to discuss how few users really post and how our 60% annual growth rate is really a negative user loss feel free to PM me but there is no reason to sit here and watch you flame the board and border on “troll” type actions.

If anyone else has a complaint, question or concern feel free to start up a new thread about it. I encourage proactive comments, even if they may be negative, so long as they are made in a logical, coherent manner.
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