I myself is plaining to live in the Philippines and work (help) at 3 diving resorts, as a tourist I can not legally work but I can help out. The Philippines are a very poor country, very frendly people but very poor, If you have a pension comming in of at least a 1000 dollars a month you can live like a king there. When I was there a year ago the resort that I stayed at the staff only made 140 dollars a month. yeah, My wife is philippines so when I go over for 7 months out of the year I can get a 1 yr visa because she is philippino other then that It would be only a 21 day visa.
The philippines is a great place to live if you already have a income, many of the dive shops will allow you to help (not work) for just the diving and of couse I get a few beers afterward. If you have any questions about the Phillippines, you can e-mail me at