Things I can blame ScubaBoard for...

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I like #3......mine won't touch fresh water since '85...Man it's tuff to have to dive clear warm beautiful water- just because of
I blame SB for the many fights I have had and will have in the future with the women in my life...My excuse that it's beneficial to me being a safer better diver is starting to wear off
Hmmm, where to begin:
1. my upcoming trip to cozumel
2. the hours I spend on this board
3. meeting other SB divers
4. my newly purchased HID can light
5. dry suit
6. several thousand dollars in diving gear

The list goes on and on :)
Giving a fat man courage to wear a pair of super tight fitting spandex shorts that allow me to easily slide into a wet suit and not feel guilty

Photo op not recommended
1. What used to be an annual dive vacation has turned into an every weekend obsession and multiple annual dive vacations.
2. All my spare cash goes to diving and dive gear.
3. DIY pictures and how to descriptions
4. Maintaining my interest in diving despite the occasional bad experience locally.
5. Allowing me the opportunity to meet other people who have diving on the brain all the time.
renewing my addiction.
allowing me to share knowledge and experiences.
(after reading through the countless pages) finally picking my sets of gear.
finally getting to know that i'm not the only one out there.
Before ScubaBoard, I’ve never even heard of Bonaire, Yap, and Palau, and more that I’m sure I’ll learn in future. (Ok, so sue me, my geography is god-awful!). Also Cabilao, thanks to the photographers in the photography section. You know the saying, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”? Let me rephrase that. Too much knowledge of places to visit for scuba diving is a very bad thing! It’s torture knowing that some of these places are gold standards for scuba diving, and not knowing if you’ll ever get a chance to visit them. :(

The other thing that I blame ScubaBoard for is allowance of Almitywife’s constant hawking of her beloved Tim Tams. :D I’m telling you, she raises your expectations so high, then when you finally get a chance to eat them, and even though they’re delicious, you’re still so disappointed for some reason because nothing could truly meet those ridiculous standards that you’ve built up all the way to the moon. Seriously, Tim Tam’s company should put her on their payroll. :wink:

As for the rest, they’re just typical fare, such as gas planning, trim, buoyancy, SAC, and so on. Who knew how important those are??????? So, now I blame ScubaBoard for making want to do drills a lot, and for being more safety conscious. Sometimes ignorance is bliss indeed (just kiddingggggggg!). Sheesh.

Sure, there are days I get bored with this board because it’s the same old typical fare that you see in basic discussion and so on…..and that’s when you go into non-diving sections and waste hours away following what everyone is yelling about back and forth on every kind of topic under the sun. For sure, you become quite familiar with people’s politics here.

(pssst……to the moderators: you know, if you guys charge Almitywife a nickel every time she mentions Tim Tams or Vegemite, you’ll become rich pretty quick! :wink: Seriously! Actually, it should be a dime for Vegemite…….they should come with caveats! Such as, you may think it’s the most revolting thing ever. Sorry Almitywife, but they are!!!!!!!! Shudder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :eyebrow:
.........Vegemite…….they should come with caveats! Such as, you may think it’s the most revolting thing ever. Sorry Almitywife, but they are!!!!!!!! Shudder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :eyebrow:

i blame SB for making me aware of how little the north americans know about good food :wink:

(check out my sig.... LetterBoy looks happy with his aussie fare, if only that wasnt the last time any of us have heard from him this week :) )

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