Split drops are a great way for divers of different experience and training levels to enjoy the sport.
Couldn't they just go on different boats?
To say the practice is "stupid" and should be stopped is simply short sighted and shallowminded. Especially since there isn't any factual data to support that the practice has resulted in more fatalities or poorer outcome of dive accidents that would have happened regardless of whether or not it was a split drop, a hot drop, a moored dive, or a shore dive.
Are you saying that there is no safety advantage of surface support? Especially for a technical dive?
I mean, most of the accidents that I have seen around here involve the injured diver being immediately brought on board the dive platform where things like O2, AEDs, CPR, radio contact with first responders and rapid evacuation are options. Not to mention the risk of secondary drowning when an injured diver makes it to the surface but can't be kept afloat in the open ocean.
Not sure what you mean by factual data. To prove that in a study, you would need to study randomized matched cohorts of dives. Given the rarity of these accidents, you would probably need a few thousand dive trips in each arm to reach statistical significance. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence
Might as well say whatever color the guys tank was should be outlawed because hey, it could have been part of the problem or made it worse for some reason.
C'mon, don't trivialize the issue.
I get it that it's a calculated risk, and it's part of the dive culture there. I'm not saying it's stupid, I'm just a Yankee wreck diver, I would never go down there and tell you guys how to operate in your conditions. All diving is a calculated risk, especially CCR and technical diving.
But no surface support is no surface support, however you want to spin it. In my mind, that ain't the same thing as tank color.