I blew L5-S1 20 years ago carrying a box of laundry and was in unspeakable pain for several years - continuously for much of the first year. I had an incompetant HMO in Texas at the time. Much better health care in LA, and neurosurgery has come a long way - which came in handy when I had my cervical spine (C2 through C7) replaced due to a rare form of progressive quadriplegia. There were a few lumbar cases on the ward during my week in the hospital. I think they go in the front on that one and the first couple of days post-op didn't look like fun, but the new surgeries look like they fix that problem. No one should have to put up with that kind of pain. L5-S1 is serious damn pain.
Ask for titanium. And good luck. I spent six months in formal PT after the cervical getting to the point of doing two push ups and the first dive after with an Al 80 and 20 lbs integrated nearly killed me. 18 months out and I'm benching more weight than I did when I was in high school. And I wasn't supposed to walk again, at least not without braces and canes. Looking forward to moving up to doubles.
Get a good surgeon.
Ask for titanium. And good luck. I spent six months in formal PT after the cervical getting to the point of doing two push ups and the first dive after with an Al 80 and 20 lbs integrated nearly killed me. 18 months out and I'm benching more weight than I did when I was in high school. And I wasn't supposed to walk again, at least not without braces and canes. Looking forward to moving up to doubles.
Get a good surgeon.