The Story

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said, "How many times do we have to get you out of trouble! Now we gotta find you another identity - do you know how hard it was to come up with BettyRubble" to which Betty replied, "Bite me", which made FB . . .
Bite her. "Yum, tastes like chocolate, he exclaimed." That would go well with my PotTarts for breakfast. Alas, I must leave not. Have to go to Rehoboth Beach for some Thrasher Fries. But I will be back as soon as Betty . . .
admits she's exhausted and needs to sleep . . . so Betty feigned sleep while the whole group started to sneak away only to stumble upon Betty's secret stash of
to scream MY NAME IS BETTY and slap the narrator . .then she quickly ripped the snips out of her cottage cheese thigh and threw them at


Bob: Hey Doug, this Betty person got pissed about the name thing , eh?
Doug: Uh, yeah, that's because she's deep undercover with the FBI which is like the CIA only with cooler sun glasses, you hoser!
Bob: Hey Betty! Hey, are you deep under cover with the FBI ,eh?
Bob: Ow! Hey why did ya Pearl Harbor me in the back of the head, eh?
Doug: You nob! Scuba Do horked Betty's undercover name and now you're asking her if she's undercover in an open forum? Now the cops are gonna come fer you eh, I'm gonna tell 'em you're an undercover agent blower and you're gonna go to jail and have a boyfriend named Bubba! He's gonna love you from like, dawn till dusk, eh?
Bob: Take ahhf, eh! Betty's not mad. Are ya Betty?
Doug: You take ahhf hoser! She can't hear you. This is only a story thread about ScubaSteve and his mis-adventures. YOU horked the thread. I'm gonna tell a moderator and you're gonna get banned. Hey moderator! My brother Bob horked this thread!
Bob: No I didn't it was Doug, I only wanted to find some beer, eh!
Doug: You better watch it, Betty already slapped the narrator, she'll slap you too, eh.
Bob: No she won't! Hey, I got a jelly doughnut and a six pack of frosted pop tarts. Hey Betty, how about a jelly or a tart, eh?
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Split fins, shorty drysuits and photos of girls with big hair from the 1980's along with a copy of "Don't Mess with the Zohan" stuffed in......
she looked so big in general, however, it did not explain her obsession with "Private Parts" which she carried around in........
a mason jar. When asked about it, she would hold it up and sing . . .
They're gonna break their chains
No, you can't stop them
They're coming to get you
And then you'll get your
Balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall
You'll get your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall - balls to the wall

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