"The Perfect Dive"

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When you finish exploring the wreck, you get to the first hang. The assistant of your choice injects you with nanobots that destroy the excess nitrogen in your system. After three minutes you ascend ready to dive again.
I had a few perfect dives recently on board the Peace boat diving the Channel islands.

I don't need Fantasy to make them any different or more *perfect* than they were... well then again.. a Whale Shark or twelve would be nice... but if it was just about wishing for things, how boring would that get?
I had a few perfect dives recently on board the Peace boat diving the Channel islands.

I don't need Fantasy to make them any different or more *perfect* than they were... well then again.. a Whale Shark or twelve would be nice... but if it was just about wishing for things, how boring would that get?

All I know is that I wouldn't mind a modern rock goddess doing a 30 minute breath hold beside me for the best spearfishing in the galaxy, as unlikely as the event may be.

I had a few perfect dives recently on board the Peace boat diving the Channel islands.

I don't need Fantasy to make them any different or more *perfect* than they were... well then again.. a Whale Shark or twelve would be nice... but if it was just about wishing for things, how boring would that get?
Funny, my first thought when I saw this thread was that I could describe some actual dives that were so amazing they qualified as fantasies. In fact, the black marlin in my fantasy dive was inspired by a real marlin in Cocos that didn't come quite close enough for a good shot. But another dive on that trip featured a bait ball and more predators on one dive than I would have dared to wish for. Perhaps a truly perfect dive is one that leaves you enthusiastically looking forward to your next dive.
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All I know is that I wouldn't mind a modern rock goddess doing a 30 minute breath hold beside me for the best spearfishing in the galaxy, as unlikely as the event may be.


I definitely see the point that RonFrank was making, and thank God that some of our coolest dives have moments that are greater than we are able to imagine. However, I find it quite NOT boring to read how creative people can be in describing their ultimate dive fantasy, and stringing them into one thread that is the summation of all our fantasies, where the whole so much greater than the sum of its parts (posts). I mean I never thought of how cool it would be to find a water temp thermostat inside a huge cave with a light dimmer switch on the side, being able to ride a baby whale, then find a virgin shipwreck and get all your nitrogen eliminated through nanobots!

Lets hear more cool ideas.

BTW Greg, thanks for your new signature link.
Well...there IS that NOAA underwater lab off the Keys. It's about 60ft down on an excellent reef system.

NOAA Ocean Explorer: Aquarius Underwater Laboratory

Unfortunately, there is no Jessica-Mermaid there and I saw a peice on TV about it where they were saying the food is awful. But what a week of diving that would be!

Also, since it is a government run research facility, you can't get on-board at any price. Maybe someone should do something like this at a dive resort.

I can see it now...a new PADI specialty course...Underwater Habitat.
I think they have, sort of:

Jules Underwater Hotel
I posted a thread about big tank availability in the Bonaire forum and some friendly banter about the physical "work" involved in shore diving vs boat diving got me dreaming a little about the easiest diving imagineable, so I thought y'all might want to fantasize a bit with the premise:

"The Perfect Dive"

Wake up in your over - water bungalow thats built right over a 100 ft lush reef wall with caves, soft coral, thirty species of nudibranchs, and inquisitve Eagles and Mantas all over the place (did I mention impossible?).

Roll out of bed and land in your BC, all hooked up, ready to go with a titanium 200 cubic foot tank, while your lovely assistant attaches the coffee bag to you BC, opens the trap doors and you simply put in your reg and descend through 88 degree water with 250 foot visibility, escorted on your way down by dolphins and a whaleshark or two . . .

Add as you see fit . . .

You do realize that with the exception of the hyperbole about marine life, you're describing live-aboard diving, right?

And while you were ready for the final ascend, you look to the bottom and you can see something shinning. You go down a little and you discover a Gold Rolex President lost with no marks in the bottom just for you.
You do realize that with the exception of the hyperbole about marine life, you're describing live-aboard diving, right?


You just about nailed that one! I sure would like to be able to afford a livaboard someday. Maybe they will design a livaboard experience where they have slides right outside your room on the boat, and you just kit up and slide right into the water, grabbing a croissant and coffee on the way down.

Your "shallow divers" post inspired me a little on this thread. Waaayy hilarious still.
you forgot the previously undiscovered pirate ship wreck that you found that's plum full, and you radio to the top to tell them to drop the 6,000lb lift bag. ;)

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