Date: July 27, 2006
Dive Location: Veteran's Park
Buddy(ies): Claudette, Tevis
Time: ?
Bottom Time: 48 mins
Max Depth: 99 ish
Vis: 15ish
Wave height: ha ha ha -- none
Temp at depth: 57
Surface Temp: hot
Tide information:
Gas mix: air
Had me a very nice dive with Claudette and Tevis last night.
There was absolutely no surf whatsoever -- we could have thrown our stuff in the ocean and geared up in the water if we'd wanted to.
I was a bit concerned that a diver on the way out (in a wetsuit!) was saying how warm it was -- usually warm water at redondo means cruddy vis. However, he was going right back in for a second dive, so I figured it couldn't be all that bad.
Plan was to go out to 100 feet or so, see what we coud see and then slowly wind our way back up to shallow water.
Claudette masterfully took charge of leading so I assigned Tevis the job of deco, leaving me to relax

(Well, not 100% relax of course!)
I'm going to leave the descriptions of all that we saw up to Claudette as she'll do a far better job (i.e. she might actually know the names of some of the things rather than "fish" "shrimp thing" "nudibranch" "octopus" which is about as good as I get)
Water was a bit chilly at depth (57) or so and I was definitely glad of the drysuit (even though the exhaust valve on my backup suit doesn't really work that well).
Tonight was definitely octopus night -- we must have seen at least 10. Plenty of small ones, and one cute one living in a shoe.
Claudette pointed out numerous small nudibranchs which were so small I'd never have seen them on my own -- this is a photographers dream buddy.
Sadly I had left all my cameras at home.
We also saw plenty of weird kinds of shrimp, some crabe and some thornbacks? in the shallows. Also a small horn shark.
I had a bit of a fight with the drysuit from 50 feet up, but managed to keep it mostly under control -- counting the days until my main suit gets back with new seals.
All in all a really nice dive, especially as there was a cold Heineken waiting when we got out. Yeah, yeah, drinking and diving I know, but at least we waited until we got out.
Thanks guys! Until next time...