The new Palace Hotel in Coz

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I recently booked an Aggressor trip for $5500 for two people with airfare over Christmas and New Year's Eve. I have heard from a couple of people that I could have booked a cheaper trip to a land destination, hauled my gear around in a truck, done some shore diving, yada yada yada for half the price. Well that's not what I am looking for! I am looking for luxury. I want a 5 star experience. I don't want to haul gear ( I do that for a living!). I booked the Cozumel Palace for May 2006 and have mentioned the trip to several people and they could not hand me the deposit fast enough. If you are looking for a 5 star experience, then this is it. Marble floors, a hot tub in every room, verandah with a hammock, infinity pool, beautiful decor, and close to town. I am paying $248 per night per person and that INCLUDES, airfare, taxes , government fees, fuel surcharges, hotel, all meals, snacks, transfers to and from the hotel, alcohol and non-alcholic beverages. I am happy with that price, and with the luxury that will be offered. I will book my diving separate because I plan on doing several different types of diving with several operators.
Yes can fly from here to Miami on American in a 747 for a few hundred dollars or I can take a bus for half the price. Is it really the same experience? Different strokes for different folks. I like paying more for a better experience. I only take a vacation once or twice a year. I want luxury.

Well put, and accurate.

When I was younger I could sleep in a room with a few other people, we called it crashing :), but now I want amenities, quiet and privacy. If I can have a great hotel along with great diving, why not. A dive trip is not only about diving. Because we spend more time above water I want my trip to be as pleasant as possible. My roughing it days are long behind me.
I stand corrected - $133 pp double occupancy isn't so pricey. With 5 days of two-tank boat dives from an outside contractor, you are talking about $1,200/week/person AI - probably worth the extra money to some people.


As Deb said, sure you can stay at a place and pay less money but you might have to share a bathroom and dive off a donkey cart. :) Seriously, if you are getting the type of place the Palace Hotel is like you don't mind paying a few extra bucks/quid, pesos/sheckels/dracma.
I'm with you, Debraw! My wife and I live well within our means all year. Then we like to really blow it out on vacation. We don't require the tip-top, but we want luxury. Coz fans, more than any other, who post on Scubaboard seem to be obsessed with going on the cheap. That's fine, but it's not for everybody. If it were, then the Presidente, Iberostar, FA, and the Occidental (and now maybe the Coz Palace) would not exist.

Don't hate us because we like Coz and want luxury too!

Give me luxury or give me death! Didn't Thomas Paine say that?

You know what's worse, paying extra, as I did in that very average place ,Ramon's Village in Belize, and not gettting what you pay for. I'm gald to hear the Palace is as nice as it's advertised to be.

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