I have thought of that.
Auto panels are made this way, slammed in a giant die and formed in a split second.
I don't know if spending that kind of loot would ever pay off in the dive gear business.
I'm sure you sell a hell of a lot more stuff than I do, but you have to admit, dive gear is so specialized, and to split it down even further, the BP/W crowd is only a small fraction of of an already small group, and the Freedom Plate group is an even smaller sub group of the already miniscual BP/W group. So probably .000001% of divers?
Then figure how many units would have to get sold annually just to break even?
And three different sizes = three different dies.
This could be a reason why nobody has ripped it off yet, way too labor intensive with physical man hours, no way to economically automate production, and not enough market share.
Who needs a patent when it's naturally protected just by the PITA factor?
Nobody's going to do it.
I was kidding, mostly. Maybe when I retire and have lots time and lots of open machine time to keller the necessary dies.
