The Mares & Dacor HUB

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Originally posted by Goldminer
The claimed advantage was streamlining as most of the hoses (and I think the octo) were tucked away inside the vest.

The funny thing is, the thing is no where near as streamlined as many other BC, and not even in the same realm as a DIR rigged backplate wings setup. The extra bulk that they needed to add to hide all the hoses just made you a wider body to push through the water.
Hey Pluto,
First off a little more info. you be helpful so that we can better answer your question. Example what type of diving do you do? What type of diving will you be doing in the future? Do you want to get into tech. diving? How many times a year do you dive?

That said here is my opinion. If you are looking at the Hub don't look at Dacor look at Mares. I know that they are owned by Mares but the Regs. that the Mares Hub and the Mares Hub Avantgarde use are alot better than the Viper Regs used on the Dacor.

Here are some +'s of the Hub system.

Nice for Travel.

No chance of forgeting your regs.

The power inflater / deflater

Here are some -'s of the Hub.

Price @ your LDS.

Extreamly bulky - I tryed one on at a dive shop and it is huge. All hoses are ran to a copper y behind each pocket for the Reg. and Octo on the right and for the inflater/deflater & gauges on the left. This makes the pockets huge.

No chance of moving into more tecnical diving with this setup.

Will not carry doubles.

Hard to service.

If your Reg. has a problem you have to leave to hole system to get the Reg. fixed.

When I talked to the dive shop owner where I tryed one on, he said the only people he would recommend the Hub to would be someone who only dives 5-10 times a year and tarvels.

If you are really interested in the Hub I would recommend you check out the following sites. Their prices are about half w/shipping.

Dacor - $1047.00

Mares Hub - $923.49

Mares Hub Avantgarde - $1225.49

Marse Hub Centery - $945.05 This does not come w/the octo. or integrated weights

Dacor - $985.44

Mares Hub - $853.98

Mares Hub Avantgarde - $924.30

Marse Hub Centery - $597.11 This does not come w/the octo. or integrated weights

If I was going to chose between these I would go with the Mares Hub Avantgarde.

Remember that none of these come with a console.

Here are some links to some reviews from Sport Diver Mag.,1106,4-1-1-2423-165-103,FF.html,1106,4-1-1-10638-100-103,FF.html,1106,4-1-1-2479-120-102,FF.html

I hope this gives you some answers to your question. Remember this was only my opinion on the Hub systems. You have to make the choice thats right for you and your diving style.
It's the Dacor model. I also dove with an instructor who was testing one two years ago. The y both complained of the stiff hoses. The way they come out of the pocket, causes alot of stress on the jaw. The power inflator also takes some getting used, too.


I had a Mares Dragonfly. I have dived also with the Dacor and Mares HUB. Please dont let your self be fooled by marketing!!(Like i was btw)

There are no short cuts or integrated tools in diving. There are only : proper training and decient and good stuff. These stuff almost always are not as cool looking as the HUB but can save your life underwater! (I have 2 bad / horrible expriences with the Mares Dragonfly and the Mares Dragonfly Integrated weights)

Want real save and streamlined and MINIMIZED AND NEAT system? Get your self a nice DIR rig. Which is in total cheaper and really better. (believe me i had to sell al the nonsens that i bought)

I made this mistake because i was a newbie back then. Dont get fooled by the adv. techniques. This is what i suggest:

1--> Make (even only one is enough) ONE dive with the Dacor
2--> Make a dive with the Halcyon wings. You are sold!

Anyway good luck,


I thought the idea for the HUB was pretty good when I first saw it. But when I finally saw one at a shop it was big, fat, heavy, gimmicky. Glad I didn't buy one...would have been laughed off the dive boat that I go on.
One of the guys in my club uses one.

He's a rescue diver, quite good, and I happen to dive with him as a buddy from time to time.

My very biased opinion is:

- too expensive

- too bulky

- too heavy

- you need a special case to carry it around safely (not the most useful thing if you travel around unless you drive to your dive destination)

- you need to undo a zipper when/if you need your octopus, not really convenient when in an emergency

- the inflator is down on your side, not very helpful when you think you're taught you should keep it high over your head when deflating for descent and when ascending

- the inflator buttons are very ill-defined

I don't mind diving with this particular buddy, as I said he's a good diver, I just hope I'll never need to find out how quickly I can remember the HUB particular characteristics in a real emergency.
Originally posted by xerxes

I had a Mares Dragonfly. I have dived also with the Dacor and Mares HUB. Please dont let your self be fooled by marketing!!(Like i was btw)

I agree. Be very carefull not to get sucked in by marketing. Yes a nice looking setup is good but what would you rather a corvette with an out of wack engine and I'm stupid or a small Pontiac with a perfect engine? (I know the Corvette just needs an inexpensive new motor but I am talking about what would you rather drive in the conditions above?)

There are no short cuts or integrated tools in diving. There are only : proper training and decient and good stuff. These stuff almost always are not as cool looking as the HUB but can save your life underwater! (I have 2 bad / horrible expriences with the Mares Dragonfly and the Mares Dragonfly Integrated weights)
The day will come when good gear looks cool also but in a way looks are in the eyes of the beholder.

Want real save and streamlined and MINIMIZED AND NEAT system? Get your self a nice DIR rig. Which is in total cheaper and really better. (believe me i had to sell al the nonsens that i bought)
I dissagree with "totally cheaper" There is decent non DIR equipment that is less expensive than DIR gear. The Sea Quest Balance is one such BC to consider. It should be less $$$ than a good BP/Wing

I made this mistake because i was a newbie back then. Dont get fooled by the adv. techniques. This is what i suggest:

1--> Make (even only one is enough) ONE dive with the Dacor
2--> Make a dive with the Halcyon wings. You are sold!

Anyway good luck,
Very sound advice. Try before you buy. Consider renting till you decide. Getting gear that you later decide you do not want is a costly mistake.

I've got a HUB so I feel I'm entitled to add my two cents.

Firstly I don't find it any bulkier or heavier than any other setup (cannot comment re wings as I haven't used one but then a hub isn't a wing.)

Secondly . '...- the inflator is down on your side, not very helpful when you think you're taught you should keep it high over your head when deflating for descent and when ascending...' - I assume that this was intended to be a joke (at least I hope so!)

Thirdly the first and second stages can be changed though the ones which come with it are superb. Obviously if you don't like Mares kit then I doubt you'd be looking at a hub anyway even if all bcd's were hub design.

Fourthly, Which idiot thought it was a good idea to put the octo in a pocket.

Fifth. Way too expensive.

I never intended to buy a hub as I feel they are way, way too expensive but I was offered a superb deal on a second hand one (nine months old, brand new console thrown in and the guy paid for the annual service in advance - all for under £400.00).

Personally I love it but make your own decision and try one before you decide one way or another.

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