The great back inflate vs. jacket BC debate

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I just got back from my first weekend in the Gulf with my Diva LX. I had used it in the pool a number of times, but this was the first open water it had seen. I love it!!!!! I only got to drop 4 lbs. of weight, but it was a lot better fitting and manuvering in the Diva then any of the rental bcs. I like the tank weight pockets it seems to help alot with how weight is distributed. I also love the feel of the fit. It hits me in just the right spot on the back. I didn't seem to get a tank hitting me in the butt every time I moved around. I think this bc is the best choice I could make. I am a larger woman and although I am not extremely short (5'9") I found the regular rental bcs didn't fit at my waist, so they usually raised up around my ears when I hit the water. This even happened when using a parachute style bc. I will admit I was a little nervous about the velcro weight pocket design, but everything I read seemed to say that if you are careful about care of the velcro, it should be alright. I also read somewhere that you can have the velcro replaced if it starts to lose it's grip, I sure hope so. I don't think I would ever want to dive with any other bc, right now. I guess in the future there may be one that is better for me, but for now I wouldn't trade it.

I guess you can't tell that I really LOVE!!!!!! my Diva LX!!!!!!!!

It was the original Concept with the velcro-ditchable weight pockets. And the exhaust valve that wouldn't work was the rip cord one attached to the lower part of the bladder (the one you are supposed to pull if you are in head down position). Also, I tried pulling the hose to dump air and this didn't work either.

I didn't think of raising the tank to balance. I will have to try that. Ordinarily I avoid placing the tank too high because I have banged my head on the first stage in the past. That hurts!!

I guess I will it another try. Maybe I will get a working model this time. :wink:

I have a Diva LX and love it. When I first heard "back inflate", I was a little unsure, because most of my discomfort level is at the surface and I didn't want something that might push me face down.

However, it is a true hybrid. It does fill around the sides, and so you get great support all around, but since the main support is in the back, you don't get squished in the middle!
I also love my Diva LX. I'm a bigger gal as well, I use between 20 and 24lbs of weight depending on my exposure suit, and have never had a problem with the weight pockets. I was told by my LDS that there's a life time garuntee <sp?>, so if there turns out to be a velcro problem down the will be taken care of.

Zept is right in that it's similar to the Dragonfly. The idea is that when you're at the surface and upright, the air goes to the wings and around your middle, but when you're horizantal underwater, just the wings inflate.

I've found that I'm stable at the surface, and horizantal underwater with little to no effort.

The big fit things for me were the size of the armholes for one....whenever I rented Men's BC' get one where the Cumberbund fit...I'd have to deal with these huge arm holes, which just helped it float around my ears. The other thing I love is that it's shorter waisted...So I don't have to try and get it over my hips. I also really like that when the jacket part inflates, it's below my chest, so no squeeze.
I got certified about 12 years ago and hadn't been diving for about 9 years until a month or so ago. I'm moving to Australia in a month and planning to dive as often as possible. I'm currently looking at buying some gear.

My question is, what are the benefits/differences between back inflating and standard BCs apart from the obvious answer of one inflates behind you while the other inflates around you?

Is one easier to maintain position in underwater? on the surface? Any thoughts, opinons etc.. would be great.

I have been thinking of this aswell. I you wear "Wings" and they are at the back of you, would you not float face down when on the surface? whilst a jacket is inflated all around you. I am new to diving so I dont know but wanted to join the discussion. Thanks
I find back inflation to give better horizontal trim underwater. Back inflate BC's can push you face forward if you over-inflate the wing on the surface but even when fully inflated on the surface it's very easy to lay on your back and swim. Jackets tend to squeeze you when the the bladder is inflated because it wraps around you. Jackets are also more bulky/less streamlined than back inflate BC's. BP/Wings are even more streamlined than back inflate BC's as they don't have any of the clutter associated with BC's. The best thing to do is to try out all three types for yourself and decide what YOU like best. Having used all three types myself I ended up with the BP/Wing.
I always hated jacket style BC's (the one I tried were just too restrictive) and bought a back inflate BC (Seaquest Balance) prior to my second checkout dive.
I never really noticed the face down thing, until I dived with it in warm water, with thick exposure protection on it's really not noticable.
With a 3ml shortie on it certainly does push you forwards, but it really doesn't take much effort to adjust for it.
A jacket has all the hydrodynamics of a parachute. They work better bobbing vertically on the surface than for diving. A wing doesn't always push you on your face at the surface, mine doesn't. Having the weight in the right place and a crotch strap to keep the rig where it belongs are the keys.

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