The great back inflate vs. jacket BC debate

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MechDiver once bubbled...

I'm not in a popularity contest with anyone here that I'm aware of, so thanks for the offer of the book but I'll pass.

I was just joshin' ya. :)

Who perceives me as being hard on newbies? You?

No, not really... I think DD's assessment was correct. I think that Xeno felt that way, though, based on his reaction.

If you do, then you are more than welcome to push the little button on my posts that says report this post.

Nah, I've never done that... Maybe once, I can't remember... I'm not a "Help me, I need a moderator" kind of guy. :)

And as DD so adroitly pointed out, sometimes you need a big stick to get someones attention.

Yeah, you've got a good point. :) I just don't want to go runnin' anyone off, you know?

I call a spade a spade dude. You sometimes come close, but it takes you 3 pages to do it. I don't wish to spend that much time typing.


Lol. "Help me! I need a moderator!" :) Just kidding.

Different styles... You know? For the record, my biggest problem, I think, is that I type faster than most people read. What seems like I spent hours writing probably only took me a couple of minutes. Of course, this means that my posts can get really loooong. Sorry 'bout that. Just skip over the parts that get too boring. Perhaps whatever I'm sharing can help someone...

Anyway, thanks for being the "kinder, gentler" MD.
In responce to other posts, thank you "jay".
I am yet to be certified, learning all I can before I do and am glad that i can read read these posts and hear honest advise without all the newbie flame bullcrap. If this offends those you "ellite" divers as we call it in the computer world then I am sorry. Maybe when you feel up to another challenge someday and you begin to look for a start someone will be happy to help you out with their experiences.

p.s. Now you know and
Knowing is half the battle
Thanks SeaJay. I appreciate the long version because it paints a better picture, and yours has been helpfull. I couldnt find the book you suggetsted. It seems that it would prove interesting and helpfull info. One thing I havent been able to understand is the fact that everyone seems to claim the BP/wings is relatively cheap. The Halcyon Ive seen on most sites is about $1000. Have I just been looking at "cheap" BC's? Is there a decent BP/wing setup capble of mounting twins and a single? Ive seen the ranger and couldnt find a adapter for twins. It might seem like Im jumping the gun but I want my first setup to last a while, so I want it toto be able to take twins if I later on try that route. Should I just keep it simple and go for something like the Genesis Recon? Once again, thank you everyone for your opinion, even if it wasnt what I wanted to hear.:D And once again MD, I apologize for the attitude. I guess i should "learn" people before getting to defensive.
During your training at Hall's, will they let you try out all the different styles of BC's? Perhaps the wings-style BC is best, but it would be educational (and a lot of fun) to try ALL the different options (mae west, horse collar, jacket, stab-jacket, etc., etc.). Each type has its advantages and disadvatages.
Unfortunately, I dont think so. We are supposed to have our own equipment. Now I am definately getting certified beforehand so I can more accuratley choose my gear and see if its something I would feel training intensly for. (5-6 days a week, 9-6 each day and 70+ dives over the 3 months).
Oh, well. For your first set, get something safe and then dive the heck out of it. Once you are completely comfortable with it, then you can be adventurous and try some different styles.
$1000? Where? That's at least $450 too high.

XenoMorph2049 once bubbled...
Thanks SeaJay. I appreciate the long version because it paints a better picture, and yours has been helpfull. I couldnt find the book you suggetsted. It seems that it would prove interesting and helpfull info. One thing I havent been able to understand is the fact that everyone seems to claim the BP/wings is relatively cheap. The Halcyon Ive seen on most sites is about $1000. Have I just been looking at "cheap" BC's? Is there a decent BP/wing setup capble of mounting twins and a single? Ive seen the ranger and couldnt find a adapter for twins. It might seem like Im jumping the gun but I want my first setup to last a while, so I want it toto be able to take twins if I later on try that route. Should I just keep it simple and go for something like the Genesis Recon? Once again, thank you everyone for your opinion, even if it wasnt what I wanted to hear.:D And once again MD, I apologize for the attitude. I guess i should "learn" people before getting to defensive.
XenoMorph2049 once bubbled...
Thanks SeaJay. I appreciate the long version because it paints a better picture, and yours has been helpfull.

Cool... You're very welcome. :) There are people here who know much more than I do, but busy people tend to answer curtly... So I thought I might be able to help. :)

I couldnt find the book you suggetsted. It seems that it would prove interesting and helpfull info.

Definitely. Go to and find their number... Then give them a call. They can get you the book.

One thing I havent been able to understand is the fact that everyone seems to claim the BP/wings is relatively cheap. The Halcyon Ive seen on most sites is about $1000.

As DD pointed out, the "going rate" for a full "starter" bp/wing is about $505. That would set you up nicely for a single tank, and include the harness, bp, and wing. That's the "expensive" one, however, and there are less expensive options out there. Still, the advantages of buying the "expensive" one are: 1. High quality equipment, 2. The system is already assembled, and thus doesn't leave you to have to assemble it. Later, when you become more familiar with the setup, you can do all of the "assembling" on your own.

One of the tremendous advantages of a bp/wing is it's modularity... That is, for the fraction of the cost of a new BC, you can change lift capacities and wing sizes, set it up for doubles, etc.

Is there a decent BP/wing setup capble of mounting twins and a single?

The bp/wing that I've suggested can be easily "swapped over" to work with singles or doubles. Most BC's do not allow for this option, and those that do typically make for a rig who's wing is too large for singles and too small for doubles. With the bp/wing, you can simply change out the wing and have a purpose-specific rig.

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