showboat once bubbled...
SNIP...Lot and lots of bugs out there right MikeJ
ut: /QUOTE]... OK you're going to lord this over me, aren't you?
We did six dives (12 total) since the start of the season. The bug equipment and tanks for the first dive cost about $100 (maybe there was something else in there, I don't recall). I figure the rest of the tanks and the boat we did today cost another $225 including tips. There was one other, ah, "miscellaneous" expense we won't go into... it was considerable.
So, what's our ROI? Well, we ended up with three bugs... a bit over $100 per tail. BUT we had a blast.:angry: and made a lotta new friends.
BTW, the water was 86 degrees and visability this afternoon had to be more than 50'. Awesome day!