I must say I'm almost always amused by the people who say He is "too expensive" for "entry level tech" dives. What does that mean, "too expensive?"
This past weekend my wife and I drove 150+ miles to Vancouver to do some diving in a new place (for us). We decided to use 25/25 in 100's for the dive with the planned max depth of 130 FSW. If my math is correct, that meant we had 50 ft3 of He per set which cost us about $35 (I know that's cheap, but let's call it $50 for an average fill).
As it turned out, I came down with a cold and worried that my ears might not clear and Lynne mused whether she would do a dive anyway with some "recreational" divers because she had 25/25 and it was "so expensive." When asked how much breakfast cost.....
The point is, I really think people fixate on the cost of the gas as opposed to the whole cost of the dive/diving -- the drive (300 miles), lodging (for us, two nights), meals (for this dive, two dinners, two breakfasts), charter fees, etc. The He cost is a small % of the total cost -- and what we get for it is a very clear mind, ease of breathing and a squeaky voice!
Yes, He is more expensive than Air -- but hey, that's diving!
This past weekend my wife and I drove 150+ miles to Vancouver to do some diving in a new place (for us). We decided to use 25/25 in 100's for the dive with the planned max depth of 130 FSW. If my math is correct, that meant we had 50 ft3 of He per set which cost us about $35 (I know that's cheap, but let's call it $50 for an average fill).
As it turned out, I came down with a cold and worried that my ears might not clear and Lynne mused whether she would do a dive anyway with some "recreational" divers because she had 25/25 and it was "so expensive." When asked how much breakfast cost.....
The point is, I really think people fixate on the cost of the gas as opposed to the whole cost of the dive/diving -- the drive (300 miles), lodging (for us, two nights), meals (for this dive, two dinners, two breakfasts), charter fees, etc. The He cost is a small % of the total cost -- and what we get for it is a very clear mind, ease of breathing and a squeaky voice!
Yes, He is more expensive than Air -- but hey, that's diving!