The best reef dives?

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For an upcoming article, I need to do a roundup of five or six of the best reef dives. My editor will most likely want something that has accommodations other than just dive resorts, which rules out Sipadan, Mabul, and Lankayan. (Those are the 3 places I've dove.)

Suggestions? I'll probably get to actually go to one or two to check them out, so I'm psyched. Thanks!
This from a friend:
Great Barrier Reef
San Salvador Island
Little Brac
Blue Hole -- Bonaire
Well, for places with other than just dive resorts, consider Guam and Okinawa.

I guess compared to other places, some might say the reefs aren't that great, but they ain't that bad either, and both islands have a whole lot more to offer than diving.
OK, Blue Girl:

Here are our favorite reef destinations:
- Belize
- Netherlands Antilles
- Bali
- Pelau
- We're going to Cozumel this year and, from all we've heard, it's probably one for the list.

Happy travels!
Eric :eek:ut:

I'd recommend Belize. Went there in April 2002 to see whale sharks. Stayed in Placencia. On the way to the deep blue where the whale sharks were, stopped at the reef along the deep. Spectacular with a wide diversity of fish. Good photo opportunities.:)
Thanks for the suggestions!
For me best reef dives have been:

Osprey & Shark Reef - Australia
Lizard Island area - Australia
Red Sea - Egypt
Sodwanna Bay - South Africa
Little Cayman - Cayman Islands
West Caicos - Provenciales, Turks & Caicos
Cayman Brac - Cayman Islands
Cozumel - Mexico
Bonaire - Bonaire, ABC Islands
Florida Keys - Florida, USA

Dive Safe,
do you mean specific reefs or a particular country?

And do you mean the BEST 5 or 6 countries in the world for reef diving or do you need to have something slightly more general.

If you want the BEST then that precludes anywhere in the Caribbean and your list would have to have these:

Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Fiji for the for corals
Southern Red Sea (not Egyptian Red Sea)
Marshall Islands
French Polynesia for the fish life but NOT for the coral
Palau at a stretch as the reefs have been bleached in the past, and are in poor condition at present but the fish are good.

Sorry, I don't care what anyone says about the Caribbean, the diving there is dull and snoring compared with the Indo Pacific.

That's my controversial statement for the day, and now I have said it - whoops is that the time, I really must be getting home...
Scuba Jim once bubbled...

If you want the BEST then that precludes anywhere in the Caribbean , I don't care what anyone says about the Caribbean, the diving there is dull and snoring compared with the Indo Pacific.

That's my controversial statement for the day, and now I have said it - whoops is that the time, I really must be getting home...

Your probably right Scuba Jim, I was stating what has been my top ten. My wife and I were having a big disscussion about the Carribean after Australia, we're
afraid it might be dissapointing, Hawaii certainly was. :eek:
Dive Safe,

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