The Aqualung Discussion [ Moved ]

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Lovely. Yet another informative and interesting thread nuked because a mod got tired of reading it or felt it had "run its course" (read: "got tired of reading it"). Heaven forbid they should let adults choose for themselves what they read -- or don't read.
Lovely. Yet another informative and interesting thread nuked because a mod got tired of reading it or felt it had "run its course" (read: "got tired of reading it"). Heaven forbid they should let adults choose for themselves what they read -- or don't read.
How about, before you jump to conclusions and sling accusations about, you re-read Snowbears post earlier in the thread? It's not clear yet what happened, or why - it's being looked into.
See... I knew that Aqualung was run by the Mafia. They put a "hit" out on this thread.

BTW.. from the "email updates" of this thread as it "progressed", I got nothing via email that I would think warranted "yanking" it. Of course maybe the "suspect" post wasn't available yet.

question: Does Scubaboard ever take certain threads and "moderate" what is "released" into public viewing before allowing all to read it or is it all "live" ? THe reason I ask this is that someone has on a few ocassions on this thread in particular said to me "did you see my reply" and their reply was not there, but "showed up" 20 minutes later. I made me suspect this. Just curious.
Phil Ellis was threatened via Law Suit by Aire Liquide (Aqualung's parent company) for airing the truth about their relationship. It is my opinion that such a law suit is meant only to bully, harass and censor the truth about how our industry operates. However, as altruistic as we would love to be, we are discussing Phil's livelihood and his ability to strive for the American Dream: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Consequently, I gave him several options as to what to do with the thread in question and pulling it was his decision.

ScubaBoard would never knowingly cause harm to a Local Dive Shop, a Manufacturer, a Dive Op or even an industry. In that spirit, we have removed one of our more popular threads in lieu of this probable litigation against one of our own. We also CONDEMN any actions by any Local Dive Shop, Manufacturer, Dive Op or Industry which seeks to censor a conversation over how the industry conducts itself and/or needs to change by a threat of lawsuit. This is "Big Brother" mentality and the entire internet bristles at such coercion. In essence, our community has been told what is acceptable to talk about and this angers me GREATLY. If you are not ENRAGED you are not paying attention!

So please... continue the discussion as YOU see fit. Phil will not be participating in this thread for obvious reasons so there should be no repercussions towards him. How do YOU feel about how Phil was treated? Did he get a fair shake? Is this threat of a law suit OK for Aire Liquide to pursue? Feel free to agree or disagree, but don't let ANYONE control the content of our conversations here on ScubaBoard. I've read our TOS and neither Aire Liquide's nor Aqualung's permission is needed for us to discuss HOW they do business.
Oh man...that's even worse.

Well, now that I know it wasn't -my- fault that the thread got pulled, here's the document I posted just before the thread was yanked.

Let's get this thing edited into a final form, and get it out to the local shops.. Betcha Aqualung won't like this one bit.

Someone please offer criticism / suggetions if anything in my letter isn't truthful / accurate.

edit: Just made an update to the letter. It should be lawsuit proof now =p

You know Pete, your TOS doesn't regulate how the rest of the world operates. In your position, perhaps you should check with YOUR attorney about liability or discovery... Aqualung just might supoena your thread as evidence.

That's why I posted my approval of the lawyers opinion. The discussion should have ended there.
Scubaboard should be in the clear... it's no different then posting a negative product or service review on Epinions.

As long as no one is delibrately lying or fabricating facts, Netdoc should be able to avoid any accusations of slander or libel.

Couldn't hurt to chat with a lawyer though, it's gonna get ugly round here. I'm sure Air Liquide is coming after us next.

Netdoc, are you accepting donations for the Scubaboard Legal Defense fund?


feel free to live your life in fear of the suits. It's not for me. After all, the last I checked, it IS still a free country and we have a right to our opinions. I have made no allegations as to the propriety of AquaLung's or Aire Liquide's actions: I have merely indicated how they make me feel. I am not an attorney, nor do I play one on the internet. However, I refuse to be BULLIED by anyone over what we choose to discuss on this board.

As for the subpoena... the thread has been archived for any such request by the courts. Nothing can be added or deleted at this point. I would consider it an honor to facilitate any public inquiry into this matter.

feel free to live your life in fear of the suits. It's not for me. After all, the last I checked, it IS still a free country and we have a right to our opinions. I have made no allegations as to the propriety of AquaLung's or Aire Liquide's actions: I have merely indicated how they make me feel. I am not an attorney, nor do I play one on the internet. However, I refuse to be BULLIED by anyone over what we choose to discuss on this board.

As for the subpoena... the thread has been archived for any such request by the courts. Nothing can be added or deleted at this point. I would consider it an honor to facilitate any public inquiry into this matter.

Just shoot a copy over to your local ACLU chapter...They love Freedom of Speech Issues...:D

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