PaulB once bubbled...
I was thinking of getting a brand. How bad does it hurt. I'm good with pain so I don't think it will be a problem. Is it hard from keeping it from getting infected? I would think so since it is a burn mark.
I researched it on the net extensively, you should do the same.
There are risks...
Try "scarification" as well as branding.
The same, but different.
We had a few bags of frozen peas to put on it when it got bad.
While stone cold sober when we started, I'd had a king's ransom in corn liquor when we were done (but that was the course of the evening anyway).
It really wasn't bad, though.
Use a branding iron, 90 minutes of drawing saps the strength.
The -real- eye opener is when you lay back in the tub, and the scab sticks to the fiberglass...
Or spend a week diving in the Keys the first week it's healing- mmmmmmmm, saltwater...
Kinda like sticking your tongue to a frozen pole...
But much worse.
I'm a mechanic, and I bleed daily.
We've started stitching each other up at work.
I get sutures wet a lot, never dress wounds or burns (they dry faster).
I -never- get infections, might be different with someone else...
(I always say no self-respecting germ/virus would even enter -my- body...)
Could be the vodka intake, I don't know.