Groundhog246:I understand what you're saying, but IMHO, this as a tattoo, just reinforces the stereotype of sharks as vicious killers and that's wrong.
I thought about that but that is not the intention of the tattoo. There are far more sharks being killed by humans than humans by sharks. Humans will be afraid of sharks forever and they will never understand the love of the sea like we do with all its creatures.
The arm holding up the flag is to show that although the shark is a deadly advisary on its own "turf" the diver still holds up the flag - The human nature to learn and discover more about his enviroment and serounding.
I am thinking of printing the word "Nemesis" at the bottom but in Greek (Νέμεσις) as the human and the shark are the kings of their teratory - Humans on land and sharks in the sea. Nemesis can be translated to the following:
- the spirit of divine retribution
- to give what is due
- personified as a remorseless goddess
- She is the executrix of justice
- balancer of Fortune's chance
- distributor of fortune, neither good nor bad
- one from whom there is no escape
She was also said to be the daughter of Oceanus, which the Greeks and Romans regarded as "a river circling the world". Some scholars believe he originally represented all bodies of salt water, including the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, the two largest bodies known to the ancient Greeks.
The shark and the human are both the "nemesis" of each other.
Anyones opinion on this?