Lishen, This is a great idea!
I suggest:
1. Post each of the 20 skills as you were taught.
2. Listen to feedback from others and modify as necessary.
3. Once finished, create another post with all 20 skills broken down, and request it be stickied to the top like my PADI Divemaster Study Guide.
Make sure you preface the skills guide with a disclaimer that this is a PADI guide, and this is the way you were taught to demonstrate them. Your Instructor will either accept this way of doing it or tell you how they want it done. Remove Andy's wet blanket

by making sure you post what is important to Demonstration Quality Skills: Slow, deliberate, fluid, exaggerating the Critical Attributes.
This thread can be a great working tool for developing the sticky post for the 20 skills.
Part of our Divemaster program is a 20 Skills Workshop. We will spend as much pool time as necessary with you until you can get a 4 or 5 on every skill. We accept no less from our budding professionals. We only fill out the 20 Skills sheet when you are ready to run through them and can succeed. We also offer this to IDC/AIDC Candidates, but you are expected to enter the program with your Demonstration Quality Skills ready to go. If you need a 20 Skills Workshop, it is expensive!