That monthly thing

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Ok, sorry, first time ever posting, and it has to be on an embarrassing topic!

Here's the thing, I'm going somewhere to scuba dive for the first time ever since finishing my OW dives.

Unfortunately, it happens to be that time of the month, and it runs really irregularly, so I have no clue when it's going to end.

I don't use tampons, never have used them. Most likely will be going on those small boats, so, it might lack a "head" which I think is a reference to showerhead?

So, I know that plenty of women still scuba dive with their period on. How do you resolve the worry of slipping in and out of the wetsuit without any leaks?

Do you wear pads in your swimsuits? I'm really not comfortable with tampons, is it ok to go without it?

Any insight would be really appreciated, since I really don't want to miss out scuba diving on this lovely place for my first dives ever.

And, please don't talk about the pill either. I don't take that either. Sorry, long story, not worth getting into.

So, what's a gal to do???????

the "head" on a boat is the toilet, not the shower. Many dive boats don't even have a toilet, and very few have a shower, and if they do have one it's usually an open shower on the back deck, which wouldn't help for this issue.
I can't imagine diving without internal protection (tampons or a diva cup) unless I were diving dry. Pads are going to soak up water. Have you figured out a way to swim during your period? Whatever you do in your swimsuit would probably work in a wetsuit. Some women say that they stop bleeding while underwater, so if you could get to the head (if there is one) quickly after you get out you might manage, depending on how heavy your flow is.
I really don't know, though, how one would manage it without tampons, so maybe somebody else has better advice.
I know you don't want to take "THE pill," but I believe that there are other pills you can take to delay your period. My gf has used them before and while not a good habit, it's believed here (in Japan) that once in awhile won't kill you.
What concerns you about using tampons for short durations? Use the absorbency level you need, "Super-Plus-etc." is serious overkill unless you will be bleeding like a stuck pig. Tampons now come in junior sizes for teens, that may be something to consider depending on your build. This website may help answer some of your concerns.

Does your flow slow or stop when you shower or swim? Everyone is different but you can probably expect it to do the same while you're diving. There are often no places to discreetly switch pads on a dive boat. Whatever you do, NEVER EVER put feminine hygiene products (or their wrappers) of any kind in a boat head (toilet). Someone will have to reach down into the toilet and fish it out, sometimes by hand--you do not earn friends that way :wink:

I've always used tampons and I change them after the dives are done.
Ber :lilbunny:
Ber Rabbit:
Whatever you do, NEVER EVER put feminine hygiene products (or their wrappers) of any kind in a boat head (toilet). Someone will have to reach down into the toilet and fish it out, sometimes by hand--you do not earn friends that way :wink:

Sometimes you have to actually take the head apart to get it out.
Thanks to all those who replied...

The pill really can't be used at all. Just a medical fact for me.

As for the tampons, guess that seems to be the only option for now. I do bleed when I shower, so it'll likely happen in the water as well. Sorry for being so personal with my details.

It's just that I've never used it, so I am uncomfortable with the idea of it since it's new and all that.

THe flow can be hugely irregular (sometimes quite a lot), so I guess I'll go with the super level of tampons....though I did read that link BerRabbit......thanks for it.

I'm just worried that I'll still leak with tampons.......that's all. When I use pads, I usually have to triple it all over to make it "leak-proof".....
For those that have a TMI meter, turn away now.....

OK, my periods are very heavy and although I can dive (if I have to), it's literally a "change-dive-change" event and that's with the Super Plus. Unless you know you're going to have privacy, it's just not going to work for you. Also, doing the quick change in a cuddy (or head) is a skill that comes with practice and might not go particularly well on your first try.

If you do decide to go, remember "Pack In, Pack Out" so bring Ziplocs and your own toilet paper.

Good Luck!

I've been diving for three years "rags" or not with all men. I've never had a problem with bleeding when i'm underwater and incase you're worried Sharks aren't attracted to it because it's old blood and sharks only care about fresh... Tampons are a good option but if you're not too heavy on the day you'll probably find one will do you a days of diving plus If you are the only chick on board Make sure there is no Taboo about diving with it... Any other questions just ask...
When I say Taboo I mean Here In New Zealand It's a cultural thing with the maori here.... It's What they call tapu and no woman is sposed to enter any body of water while mensturating.
As for the tampons, guess that seems to be the only option for now. I do bleed when I shower, so it'll likely happen in the water as well. Sorry for being so personal with my details.

It's just that I've never used it, so I am uncomfortable with the idea of it since it's new and all that.

No problem with the personal details, that's what lets us provide more accurate information to help you. I used to think I bled in the shower but finally realized that was only in the morning after I had been horizontal all night. Evidently the blood tends to pool somewhere and since I usually got up and headed straight for the shower it looked like I was bleeding heavily in the shower. A mid-day shower never produced those results if I had been vertical all day so blood couldn't pool.
(How's that for TMI :D)

A tampon removal tip for newbies.
If you grab the end of the string to remove it the tampon tends to swing and you're probably going to end up splattering blood somewhere. Use the end of the string and pull gently until it's starting to come out then grasp the string close to the body of the tampon to remove. You'll probably get a little blood on your fingers but that's a lot easier to clean up than both legs, the toilet seat and the wall in a narrow boat head.
Trust me on that one :11:

Baby wipes are a wonderful thing to have along with you as well, they make travel size wipes with re-sealable packages that are wonderful for dive trips. Most stores will have some sort of generic version so they are pretty inexpensive. Just remember, even the flushable ones CANNOT be put in a boat head.

Hope this helps!
Ber :lilbunny:

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