Thanks Mods!

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When I see a post that really should be reported - for spam, maybe to be moved for better coverage, whatever - I use the Report button. I try to be helpful, not a Pita with it....
Not long after, I almost always get a PM letting me know came of the post - and I appreciate the freeback as well as the overall care of the board. I'm always tempted to send a Thanks! back by PM but figure y'all go thru dozens of messages a day here, so I don't.

So a big Thanks! here...! :eyebrow:
A case of beer might be nice.:D
A case of beer might be nice.:D
You folks have better beer than the stuff they ship us under the same name.

I remember a neat little monastery just over the border into Belgium that made their own. Mmmmmmmm!
I like Stella :D and will share....oh meant for the Mods :shakehead:. I agree with Don that overall, this is a great site and the care that is taken by all (users and mods) makes it a place to learn and have some fun.

A case of beer might be nice.:D
Yeah, Pete admits it's the members that make SB great, but the Mods keep it in line.... :wink:

It is kinda fun when we have to activate SB2, tho - worthless, but fun running amok for a day.
Thanks Don,

The mods try to be ninja in how they deal with things, so we are making a special effort to make sure you know that we look at each and every one of those reported posts. It's important to us, to keep things friendly!
It is kinda fun when we have to activate SB2, tho - worthless, but fun running amok for a day.
You know Don, nothing makes my day like having to resort to SB2... NOT! :D

Fortunately, we haven't needed to resort to that for some time now. Our fault tolerance has gone way up (knock on Howard's head).
:beer: :beer: :beer:
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Well, rather than clutter their PM boxes with thanks-yous every time - I thot it'd be good to open this thread. It's been a while since I did one of these...
Now, about this speed problem? SB continues to be the slowest site I visit, for anything...?
:confused: This thread loaded in 0.02 seconds.:D

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