Went out off of Dania yesterday with OBXDIVEGUY and ChillyWilly for a dive. The current was ripping south and it took us a while to reach our destination. Once there, we were rewarded with some decent vis and a variety of sealife. OBXDIVEGUY spotted a couple lobster. I saw them also and was hoping that he would pick the bigger of the two to capture. After OBXDIVEGUY worked at getting him out of his hole, I grabbed him with my net and both hands. Dang! He was big and I really hoped that he would not wrestle free. He was even trouble getting into the bag. To make a long, exciting story short, the end result was a show stopper of a bug! Once on shore, we gained the attention of quite a few onlookers who's general comment was "Holy ****! that's a big lobster!" Some guy had a thingy that weighs fish and the weight was confirmed at Coastal Marine. 4lbs!
OBXDIVEGUY thanks for finding the bug! I learned that even big lobster are tasty and not tough!
OBXDIVEGUY thanks for finding the bug! I learned that even big lobster are tasty and not tough!