I had a nice talk with them today and will attend the open house a tad late but I will go. I have a 2:30 appointment that I can't change.
The starting price is not yet firm, but they are thinking $1.9M. Now what you get for $1.9m is a home in a resort that per Coastal Commission rules, you may live in for more than 29 days total a year, or 60 days total a year (depending on which one you buy). The remainder of the year, you must rent out the house. Interesting concept.
We chatted a bit about the project. Construction will start in April of 2006 and run until 2008 when the entire project will open at once. The public will have restrooms and paths. Regarding paths, they are thinking we should have pretty much all the existing trails. They are retaining the cement building at the cobble stone beach with plans for a kayak rental there. Don't know how they will feel about people bringing there own down. The person I spoke with was wondering why some divers parked on the road and walked in instead of driving in and parking closer to the dive site.
They are also aware they are required to maintain access for us divers during the construction.
More to follow.